Ep 2

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"yes, go and check" Baekhyun left closing the door. I didn't notice by this time, but dad's tab was open. It looked like he was working on the new chapter. I decided to take a peek and O MY GOSH, a man was bathed in blood. I couldnt recognize him first but looking more closely I realized it was Jeon Jungkook.

'DAD DECIDED TO KILL JUNGKOOK? What the heck? He can't just die like that. I have to talk to dad after he returns. Professor would kill me if I bring him the spoiler of Jungkook dying.'

I left his chair and I was about to go out of the door when I felt someone grab my apron.

My blood froze as I saw a bloody hand from the sketchbook was dragging me.


Everything seemed too dreamy. As if I was dreaming. Just at a glimpse, I found my self at a building's rooftop with a bloody Jungkook in front of me. My mind was yet to function at that time. It seemed so real. I knelt to the ground and checked his pulse.

'He still has pulse. Means he's not dead yet. What do I do?'

I ripped his shirt apart only to see three bullets shot through his stomach, and chest. I was shaking and panicking on what to do. "there must be someone here"

I went downstairs. There were some people cutting vegetables and cooking.

"Excuse me" I started.

My voice was all shaky and they were all looking at me shocked as my hands were covered in blood. "Can someone help? There is a person dying in the rooftop."

A man who looked like a serving boy came with me to the rooftop. While going to the rooftop I asked and took some pieces of clothes with me.

I pressed the clothes on his gunshots to stop the bleeding. The guy from earlier was standing near me .

"What are you doing? Call the doctor!"
I yelled panicked. He seemed to shocked to be moving. But my yelling worked . He immediately called someone. Jungkook's blood loosing seemed to be stopped, but suddenly he started taking deep breaths. "Eottokheyo", I was on the verge of crying. Being a doctor and not being able to save a patient is tiring. I took a close look at his chest where there were these brownish-red spots.

Shit, He has pneumothorax

'This cannot be cured in first aid. There is nothing I can do. But if I dont do anything, this person dies.'

I looked around to find something sharp. A piercing, I need to make hole in his chest .The guy from earlier had a pen in his pocket.

'That's it. It's the best I can do to save You.'

I took the pen from his pocket in a blink I slid out the ink tube. I crashed It with the floor and made a sharp edge out of it.

'But, but I am not confident. What if he dies because of this?'

" What happened? Why arent you doing anything? Will he be alive?" the guy panicked. "I am not confident enough to do this!" I yelled with my shaky tone. "Why aren't you confident? Aren't you a doctor?" he yelled back. "How do yo-" I paused. This isnt the right time to waste a moment. His breathing is getting deeper and he seems to be struggling to breath. "I AM NOT CONFIDENT BECAUSE IM NOT TALENTED", I whisper shouted.

'No, I have to do this this is the last chance.'


He suddenly raised his head with wide eyes He was looking at me with his dark brown eyes which any women could fall for. We were staring at each others eyes. Me holding my breath and him releasing short breaths. The eye contact lasted for about 10 seconds until he dropped his head in the ground, eyes closed.

Two worlds (JENKOOK) Book-1Where stories live. Discover now