Ep 8

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3rd person pov:

A frown appeared on Baekyun's forehead as his call with Jennie cut off. Korea's network connection is not that bad. He dialed her number once again.

The phone kept on ringing on an empty bench. A womwan who was passing by noticed and picked up the phone

"umm, hello?"

"Hello, wait, who are you?"

"This phone was in the bus station's bench."

"Is there anything else?"

"Uh, yes there is a black bag."

"Can you please stay there for a moment with the phone. I'll come within five minutes."

"Umm, okay"

"Thank you very much."


Jungkook caught Jennie as soon as she was about to fall from the panic attack. He held her shoulders and her head on his chest. He removed a strand of her hair from her face and admired her face for a second until jin-young came in.

"What are you doing?" he spoke with disbelief. Hearing the loud thump Tzuyu came in as well

"yah, are you out of your mind? Did you shoot her?" she rather yelled

"Hyung, can you take her to the bed?"

Jin-young carried Jennie to Jungkook's bed and layed her down. The maids changed her clother. Jungkook called his doctor and he told that she fainted due to over-stress and panic.

It's been a while since Jungkook was staring at Jennie's sleeping figure , "Hyung, do you think she is pretty as well?" he asked Jin young who was standing by his side.

"Hmm? Yes, she is quite pretty."

"This is strange"

Jennie pov:

I woke up as soon as I heard some voice. I opened my eyes only to see Jungkook's face. I glanced at him once and turned my head to the other side.

"Are you upset with me?"

"I'm not" I said, head still turned to the side.

"You're being quite sulky."

"Then am I supposed to laugh like an idiot after getting shot"

He chuckled in a low tone

"You didnt bleed you know?"

"I know"


When Jennie bought her hand in front of her eyes after touching the gunshot wound, there were no blood. After that she fainted.

After jin-young carried her back Jungkook started examining the glass that was right behind her and which the bullet pierced through and not her. The glass was broken and that bullet was stuck inside the glass. But Jungkook clearly shot her. The bullet passed through her body like it was invisible and shot the glass instead.

End of Flashback

"I knew you wouldnt get shot"

"Still, YOU shouldn't have FIRED at someone who saved YOUR LIFE." I nearly yelled.

"By the way, I thought of treating you to a fancy restaurant but business works want me and I have to fly to gangam. Next time?"

Finally I turned my head to him, "when are you coming back?"

"I'm not sure, but no more than 3 days. Take care of yourself. My maids will help you. I will be off then"


He was about to go up but some crazy idea popped up in my mind.

'Why not try one more time?'

"I love you" i grabbed his hand.

'Where is it? No, it didnt work.'

"sorry?" his brows joined


I turned my head to the side again while he and Jin young exchanged weird looks.

"Was that for shocking me?"

"It didn't work" I sighed


Jungkook pressed the button of lift and it opened. They got inside and the door of the lift about to close when he saw Jennie running towards them. He hurriedly pressed the on button and it opened.

He stepped out of the elevator and came towards her.

"I don't know where you are going but be careful"


"The times your life was in danger I came to help you but since I'm here now I won't be able to help you"

"Mm. So you mean you could see my danger from your world and come to my world to help me?"

"Yes," she sighed, "something like that"

"But why did you anyways?"

"Because, I have been your fan. I am one of those people who want your life to be a happy ending. So, please take care of yourself."

A smile spread on Junkook's face. The girl infront of him was attracting her somehow.

"Are you married?" His sudden question startled her

"Huh?No no"

"Then how old are you?"

"Me? I'm 27"

"You are the same age as me. I like it."

Jungkook went back to the elevation and pressed the close button. But before the elevation door could completely close he winked making Jennie's heart go crazy.

To be continued

Two worlds (JENKOOK) Book-1Where stories live. Discover now