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It's funny how life is you know, you try to do your best to succeed, than when you fail your supposed to get back up. This is such bullshit ! Why do we have to work hard to be successful, why can't we catch a break and say fuck it I want to be successful without doing the hard work? I'm seriously fucking tired of working hard and want an easier way to live. Does it make us bad? Does it make us any less of a human?. Should we be swiped from the earth, for having that mindset? I guess you may think we're seven terrible ass Humans right? Guess what? Who gives a shit what you think ! You are still reading, aren't you? I guess you wondering what the fuck does these terrible humans have to say, Right? Did we deserve to die ? ............ Who are you to judge us, life is hard, we can't all be perfect humans.

Anyways we got lots of shit to get through, and no time to care for your judgement. Let's start with pretty ass Ricky, You see Ricky was just 26 years old, had nice teeth, some good thick curly hair and dark skin. Dude stayed with his mother and had 3 sisters. Shit, it isn't my responsibility to tell you all everything about this man, you're going to have to read.


I grew up in MISSISSIPPI, It sucks, but I'm the only boy of the 4 kids my mother had. My life was hard, especially being the only boy. Between protecting my mother from the men she dated, and being a father to my 3 younger sisters, I had no life.

I worked my ass off at Walmart for 6 long years, while going to school as a full time student. I still managed to graduate second in my class. You see, I'm a Black man who is educated. We stayed in a two-bedroom house with a one bathroom. My mother had her own room, and my three sisters slept in the other. I slept in the living room. Which I never had a problem with, except when I needed some love, you know what I mean. I decided that I wasn't going to go to college, especially because I had 4 women who needed me. So here I was a 25-years-old with no career, just getting by with life.

My father? Damn you nosey bastard. He died when I was two years old in a car accident. I've always thought of him as a piece of shit, since that's all my mother likes. You definitely won't catch me dropping tears for the nigga. Just saying it's not a touchy subject to me, but let's talk about how Sex Deprived I am, I can't fuck because I don't have a room, and plus Lauren my friend be playing games. The girl knows she wants some Ricky, but she is acting like she too good for me. I'm not chasing no kitty anyway. My hand does the job just fine. Plus I have my mother and sisters to look after.

I was getting ready to go grocery shopping for my mom while she was at work like always, my mother was one of the managers at the Walmart I worked at. I know it's awkward !, now you see why I don't get any pussy, she definitely got me the job to watch me I'm sure of it. Don't get me wrong Ricky Hampshire gets kitty you feel me. Yea yeah, I've only been with two women but Not because I can't get any love, I'm very picky .WHAT! Men can be picky, You women think only your bodies are Gold shidd so do I. Look I'm sorry I can get defensive about my sex life, but as I was saying. I was getting ready to go grocery shopping I called my mother to see if she wanted me to get anything specific, as usual she told me eggs, milk, bread that type of shit you know. After hanging up with her I knocked on my sister's door to see if any of them wanted anything from the store. My sister's who names were Danielle, Alexia aka the twins who were thirteen and Brenda who was seventeen. Now Brenda be swearing she's grown and said, she didn't want anything. The twins wanted hot Cheetos and gummy bears per usual after I got their request, I told them I would be back in a while.

I walked to the front door and told Brenda's grown ass to lock the door. Gave her the run down about no company, no boys and, to not open the door for nobody, she rolled her eyes and said "OKAY RICKY then slammed the door in my face. That girl is lucky I don't hit girls. Brenda used to be so sweet but I guess puberty changes females. So I started to walk to the bus stop which was a thirty-minute walk, and to make matters worse it was hot as hell and the summer, and here I am going to the store at 7pm on a hot ass Saturday evening. The store was a thirty-minute bus ride from the house. It took the bus ten minutes to pull up. I had never been happier to get on the bus into the air conditioning.

When it was time for me to get off at my stopped I went into the store grab everything I needed and hurried up and swiped my card and walked out the store with my hands filled with grocery bags. The bus took an hour to come because it was late and I got on the bus at 9 something which is something I always do, so I was tripping this is Mississippi the roads are long and empty, with a few houses up the rode. I told the bus driver goodnight and got off at the bus stop by my house. I had no choice but to be ready for this walk up the road to the house. As I was walking I seen this Red truck drive by me. It looked like my neighbor's car but it was speeding. I just kept on walking and ignored it. It was dark and I was 20minutes from home. I started walking faster when I seen the car coming back. Now I ain't gonna lie, that shit freaked me out, so I began to walk faster. My hands were full and I heard my phone ring. I'm pretty sure it was my mother telling me she's home and looking for me. Hands full of bags, my heart beating and pounding fast, I swear it was going to pop out my chest. The red car came back and slow down next to me I couldn't see the driver I began to run. Next thing I knew. Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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