chapter 1 roommates

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It's morning and you wake and yawn you get up and take a quick shower put some makeup onfix your hair and start packing for collage. you: i think that's everything. You zip up the suitcase and grab your phone you run down stairs and there's a van waiting for you. Mom: im gonna miss you. You: i know mom. You give her a hug and walk out the door and you forget your charger you walk through the door and you see you mom dancing while holding it. she stops you walk up too her. you: that's just cold. As you snatch it out of her hand and walk out the door you get in the van with a bunch of people they all gave the driver a til you shut the door the paparazzi attack the car. You: can you drive already. Driver what's the magic word. You: no TIP. Driver: fiar enough. He drives off the people in the back start talking to each other you see Sophie,karan,Cameron and Peyton you grab your air pods and connect them to your phone. You play music so you don't have to hear them. 1hour later ya'll are at the college ya'll get out off the van and peyton runs up to you peyton: hi im peyton list and i wanna get to know you. You: my name is sylvia and sure. She squeals. Ya'll all the way to ya'lls room they put you with peyton and Cameron ya'll get settled in you set down Peyton sits next to you ya'll start talking about each other Cameron says hi and introduces himself to you. Cam: i've known peyton for a long time we played on jessie i played luke and she played as emma. You: that's sounds amazing  what did ya'll do off set cam: me, karan, skai and Peyton  goofed off a lot. You: hm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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