Chapter 3

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The bitch of course had two arms, one now in splinters and dangling by only strands of unrecognizable, black flesh. A fist full of my curly locks were clenched and yanked, my body being dragged in the process. It didn't hurt, should've--- but didn't.

I have no sense of nerve what-so-ever in my body. No blood to my body, no sense of feel. So, my hair being pulled didn't give me any sense of pain--- but it was scaring the shit out of me because I was being dragged somewhere I most likely didn't want to go. My large, yet weak, hands made contact with the boney's wrist, my fingers quickly curling around each other as I tried my same attach method. The position was awkward and I couldn't get it fast enough. Yet, somehow the grip was gone and I was free. Then, another ear bleeding scream and a very angry L beating the shit out of the creature with a abandoned pipe. 'Go L!' I silently cheered.

One last blow to the creatures fragile skull and it was motionless--- like it should have been before all of this. With a helpful hand, my pal got me back onto my feet and he casually walked away from the scene. Instead of blood and guts, like a murder would normally would look like, it appeared that a body had been burned to the bones then scattered to pieces amongst the ground.

Okay, time to ignore that bag of bones and get back to our mission. Ahh... Oh yeah! Food! Almost forgot. My gaze drifted over to L, he was 'inspecting' his shoes. A good pat on the back to reassure him he did the right thing made him pick his head up proudly as he shuffled forward to our destination. Not really a specific place--- where ever our noses took us really.

Our sense of smell brought us to, what seems to be, a trashed mall. The glass, entry doors were shattered; glass scattered everywhere on the concrete. A few groups had already made their trips through here, but there must be a group here presently. The scent of flesh was too pungent to be a day old.

My thoughts were too caught up in the thought of eating, I didn't see the little lip from the door. And of course-- what do I do? I trip and stumble over the fucking thing. My damn feet don't work as shit. L patted me on the back, a weak smile across his face-- he thought it was funny... Ass. I shoved him back and clenched my jaw before, more carefully, working my way into the food court. Both of us stood there for a second, L and I. The scent was everywhere, so we listened closely instead.

Clash! Both of our heads turned towards the sound and at the same time, our feet began to move.

"Be careful! We don't need corpses finding us!" A feminine voice hissed quietly. Well, she was trying to be quiet but we hear her and I was right on her trail. The sound must have attracted more than the two of us, because soon there was a crowd of us corpses walking in the same direction. This made my chances bigger.

Carelessly I walked right into the small drug store, where the sounds of whispering and shuffling was coming from. My first sight was the back of a older boys head. With ease I shuffled up to him, he must have been watch-boy. He was shitty at his job. "Nail behind you!" A voice warned and the blonde spun around as my arms reached out to trap him. The bitch fell, idiot. His gun went sliding away across the tile floors. Not that far away, but I could easily change that.

The first reaction I got from my prey wasn't one I normally see. He didn't look scared-- he looked sad. Was he sad that he knew he was about to die? I don't understand the living. He also didn't make an attempt to try and kill me, he just stared at me with his big, blue eyes. I all of a sudden didn't want to hurt him, it would be fun-- and it felt... Wrong. But then my stomach kicked in and I remembered what I was.

My hands caught onto the boys ankles and I swiftly pulled him away, behind one of the many shelves of appliances. "Help!" He pathetically cried as he thrashed and kicked. How hard was he really try- I was brought out of my thought when the 'ting' of hollow metal rang in my skull. I was also on the ground with a boot on my cheek and the barrel of a gun to my head. It was a girl... When my eyes met hers I couldn't move. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure I had the same look on my face that the boy had on his face a few minutes ago. Before she could blow my brains, the blonde stopped her and tried to pull her away. He really doesn't want me dead for some reason. Yet, he's killing everyone el- L! My hand reached out and grabbed onto the girls shin, causing her to instantly fall to the ground. The blonde being separated from her by a few stragglers who decided to join the party. This bitch isn't leaving until I know L is okay. Or I might just keep her for awhile-- just because. The boy had taken her gun, thank goodness. But not her bat, fuck. That one hit must have been a lucky shot because the rest she all missed. I snatched her bat away and tossed it a across the store. I got myself to be in front of her; she's sitting on the ground and me kneeling down. Before she could call for help I covered her mouth with my hand, which probably smelled terrible gross but I couldn't give a shit. I put my pointer finger to my lips, gesturing for her to stay quiet. Then I pointed my finger sternly at her and was able to mumble a few words, "D-Don't... Move... P-Plea-ase." Vocabulary is getting better.

I slowly removed my hand and she didn't make a sound, good. Now time to find L. Stiffly I stood up and gazed around the, now bloody, drug outlet and searched for the wispy, brown hair I know and love. There was a gentle tap on my shoulder and at first I thought it was the girl, it was those grey eyes I was never more happy to see. L had blood and chunks of who-knows-what all over his face and hands. Then there was a generous handful of mushy brain placed into my palm.

I love this guy.

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