Chapter One

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This clip has absolutely nothing to do with the story. It's just funny. Anyway, disclaimer...blah I don't own Hetalia...blahblah I own myself and storyline....blah. Alright let's do this!


I got up at about 6:05 am. My mom walked in and asked if I was awake. I groaned a little but nodded and said, "Yeah I'm awake." My mother turned off my alarm clock, "School got canceled because of the heavy snow, you'll be out for at least a week. Now I just want to tell you now. I have to go overnight at the hospital for awhile and your father is going on a business trip to Ohio. You'll be on your own for at least a week." I sat up, just a tad more awake. "What about food?" She chuckled a bit before responding, "I asked Mrs.Duboyce to get you some food, I already got her money so you don't need to worry." I nodded "See you in a week mom!" She hugged you and left.

Two hours later

I woke up again and got out of bed. I went downstairs to find everyone had left already, though my father had left a note as a way of goodbyes. I walked over to our cabinet wall and grabbed a pop tart out of our many cabinets. I stretched a bit and sat down on the couch in our adjoining living room to eat my poptart. I went on to my IPad and updated my Wattpad story. I looked at the clock. " Shesh, only 9:05." I called my friend Zara Duboyce. " Hey Zara, do you want to come over?" I asked over the phone. "Sure I'll walk over in a couple minutes ok?" We hung up and I went upstairs to change out of my massive Maryland sweatshirt and boxers. I put in a loose blue shirt with a Union Jack on it and a little Tardis is the middle. I then put on my black leggings (I don't care if they're not pants my shirt is long enough to cover my butt so I don't care!) and I grabbed my blue converse and put them by the front door in case I wanted to go out. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my earbuds and listened to 'Angel with a Shotgun' by Symphony Soldier and the 3rd FullMetal Alchemist theme song before Zara arrived. "Hey" I said as Zara jumped on me when I opened the door. She yelled into my ear, "I frickin hope you made pancakes!" I laughed a little and walked to my kitchen with Zara trailing behind. "Nope, but I'll make some now." I grabbed the griddle out of the cabinet below the stovetop. After grabbing the ingredients I started to whip together the batter and poured it onto the griddle. "So Zara, my parents are gonna be gone for at least a week and school is out. Want to have a massive sleepover?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I returned my attention to the griddle to flip the pancakes onto the plate, almost missing her response. "Oh freakin COURSE! Let me go call my mom." I nodded as I poured my 100% actual syrup onto Zara's plate and put it in her momentarily vacated place at the table.

~~~one agreed sleepover plans and a fudge ton of pancakes later~~~

Me and Zara sat down and started to watch our favourite anime Hetalia on my TV. We laughed as England started to cast his spell and summoned Russia instead, as America was an obnoxious sweetie and cried when Canada got hit in the face with a ball. "Soo Batsy? What would you do if the Hetalia characters appeared in your house?" I smacked her arm at the nickname (Let's just say Halloween + Scared by a kid in a batman costume+ me the fan girl = everlasting nickname) "I would probably just hang out, I mean you read all those fanfictions and the girl (or guy) always freaks out. I probably hug the fudge out of them then challenge Canada to a pancake challenge." I stated as I shrugged. As if my words had triggered some kind of universal rip in reality, a giant portal appeared in my ceiling and out of it tumbled so many people. And almost all of them were blond. Me and Zara stood there in shock. One sat up and rubbed his head, when he looked up, I could only process his features in pieces, bushy eyebrows, messy hair, a mouth mumbling 'bloody wanker', and sitting on a man with a cowlick. Then I saw it all. I reached over and tugged Zara's shirt, "Zara, look! Who does he look like!" The other, nations I guess, started to stir and rub their heads. A small man with, dare you to guess, blond hair staggers toward me. "I apologize, but may I please see your bathroom?" I nodded and pointed down the hall. He nodded in thanks.
'Was that Finland? He had the accent and the hat?'
I thought to myself.
Zara suddenly squealed. In panic I ran over as she started to glomp a man to the death. "Yo! Dudette! Would'cha let go of me!" A loud American voice yelled. "Am-America?!?" I stammered. He looked at me over Zara's back in surprise. "Bro, how did you know that?" I didn't answer, instead choosing to stagger over to the couch and plopping down in shock. The nations unknown to me all stood up and a few glared at England, some stared at me, a few followed where Finland had gone to the bathroom. "Why are you in my house." I asked while glaring at England. He cleared his throat though he seemed uncertain of what to say. "I do apologize for the intrusion, but I was completing a spell to-" I interrupted him, "Let me guess, to either attempt to summon something other than Russia or you were trying to curse America or France. Am I right?" He shuffled his feet in an uncomfortable manner before nodding. "Then America interrupted me and this happened." I sighed before standing on my coffee table. I counted all the heads and saw about 13 countries. Thank god not all of them came, I dealt with more people than this during Christmas, believe me 23 cousins is not a laughing matter. (I'm not kidding, I have this many cousins) "Alright! Can you all state your countries and/or preferred name so I know who is here and how to deal with them?" Zara nodded at my suggestion but when some of the countries did not listen, she grabbed a air horn and blew it in England, America's and France's ears. "BLOODY HELL...WHAT THE CRAP DUDE...OH MON DIEU MES OREILLES SAIGNENT!" Instantly everyone looked at us. "LIST YOUR NAMES ASSHATS!" Yelled Zara.
"Italy! Pasta Ve~"
"Germany please."
"I am China, aru."
"Japan or Kiku prease."
"Greec- *snore*"
"England or Arthur if you please."
"My names America dude! Call me Alfred! HAHAHAHAHA!"
"Norway or Lukas."
"My name is Iceland."
"Moi name is France, but you may call me Francis. ;)."
"My name is Spain! But you can call me Toni!"
"Shut-a up tomato-bastard! Oh my name is S.Italy, but I guess you could call me Romano."
"I am ze King of AWESOME! Da Awesome Prussia!"
"Is that all?" I ask. My reply is a chorus of yes's in several different languages. 'Thank god Russia and Belerus aren't here' I thought to myself.n"Then whatever as long as it doesn't permanently damage my house or anyone else alright?" I got a few nods. I walked over to Japan. "Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha rairīdesu. Anata wa manga ga sukidesu ka?" I asked in Japanese. (I don't really speak Japanese but this will add to the plot, just wait) he looked at me in surprise before responding, "Naze hai watashi wa yaru! Anata ga nihongo o hanasu?" I nod, "Hai, but can we speak English because I want to speak about manga and I haven't learnt phrases for that yet." He nodded and we both walked upstairs and I went to my bookshelf and pulled out a bunch of manga, Hetalia being the exception obviously. "Ah, you rike FurrMetar Archemist?" (Translation: Ah you like Fullmetal Alchemist?) I nod, "Edward is my favourite! He gets so defensive about his height. I really don't care. Hey did you know I'm as tall as Levi from Attack On Titan!" This continued for awhile before Japan caught sight of a Norway poster I had hanging in my closet. "This is very fimirirar. What is the name of the anime?" Japan askes. I freeze like a deer in a spotlight. "Ummm."

I hope you guys liked it! If you want to become apart of my story, just comment about youself and either say something really funny or wow me with an awesome idea for this story. Danke Shone!

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