ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3 | ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴏʀ

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Y/N didn't shake Emily Dyer's hand right away. They were still attempting to process her words.

This was Oletus Manor? The same Oletus Manor they were just in? It couldn't be. This Manor had sturdy windows and floors. This Manor had functioning lights. This Manor had people. Honest to God people. It was all so perplexing. Who were they? Were they, like Y/N, invited here by the Manor Owner to partake in this mysterious game? 

Emily, upon seeing Y/N's shock, put her hand away and scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Ah, I'm sorry-- you are here to partake in the game, aren't you? We didn't want to assume anything at first, but then we found your invitation..."

She pulled Y/N's folded envelope out from behind her, gently placing it in their hands. "You don't need to worry about us looking at it, by the way-- all we needed to see was the envelope itself for confirmation."

The doctor smiled sweetly. Y/N eyed her suspiciously. She seemed nice enough, but the O/P didn't know if she was trustworthy yet. They didn't know if anyone in the manor was trustworthy yet-- they were barely able to comprehend what was even happening. 

"You... you said there were other people here?" They asked wearily. Emily nodded. "Yes, the others were all very curious about you when you showed up. It's been a long time since we've had a new survivor, so they're very excited to meet you."

Y/N tilted their head. Survivor? What did that mean?

Emily gently extended her hand again, speaking in a softer voice. "If you were feeling up to it, I could take you to go and meet them now."

Y/N considered accepting her offer for a moment. If they really wanted to continue their investigation into whatever was going on here, they should try and communicate with the other people-- survivors, as the doctor referred to them. They could possibly grant them some valuable insight into the inner-workings of the Manor.      

"...Sure. I think I'd like to meet everyone else. We're all playing the same game, aren't we?"

Emily brightened up and nodded, clasping her hands together enthusiastically. "Yes, of course! I look forward to being your teammate, Mx..."

"Just Y/N is fine. Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Dyer."

Emily dipped her head politely. "It's nice to meet you too, Mx. Y/N." Suddenly, her eyes widened, as if something just came to mind. "Ah, please excuse me for just a second! I have something of yours that you may want."

She quickly left the room and returned a moment later with a pair of neatly folded clothes-- Y/N's own clothes. They tilted their head in confusion.

"I had them washed with the laundry," She explained, handing them over. "I didn't want to assume anything, but... you wouldn't happen to be a/an O/P, would you?"

Y/N nodded. "Yes, I am. I guess it's easy to tell from my clothes, huh?" Emily smiled. "Aha, I suppose it is. I'll wait outside for you once you're finished changing."


The O/P emerged from the infirmary after a few minutes, fully clothed in their typical attire. Emily bowed her head and gestured for them to follow her down the hallway. 

"Everyone should be in the library right now... Martha usually hosts strategy meetings in there at this time. Come on." 

Y/N trailed after her from behind, quietly glancing around at the decor of the manor. Everything was neat and tidy, almost lovingly so. There were many paintings and sculptures littered around they hadn't noticed when they first entered the manor-- granted, much of the art in the Manor Y/N had entered was too eroded to make out. 

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