Journey Mark 毒: Poison

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Hiiiiiiiiii I'm back!!! Journey Mark are mini chapter to complement the story, treat them like Goh's journal pages.
So this journal page is a twist of JN016.
Again, a lot of non-canon stuff but there's a hint of Ash's side in Ash and Goh relationship status if you notice it somewhere. ;)

Vermilion City, Sakuragi Institute

Today was an interesting day... To say the least.
I'm worried about Ash, he worked hard to train his Pokémon, the way he trained them is rather... Strange dare I say, he treats his Pokémon like people, he cared a lot for them, he grooms every single one of them, talks to them, and eat snacks with them, he also is good at fighting? Because he wasn't lying about the part in which he can control Aura like Lucario.

Today, Ash needed someone to take care of him, during the time we fight team Rocket, Ash caught a cold or something and become sick, he fainted on point so with his Pokémon's help, I was able to bring Ash back to our room, yes, our room, I'm proud to say with him because pretty much everyone knows how much I like Ash, Koharu, Professor, EVERYONE, except Ash, that dense guy... Well, I'll try to make him know that he's important to me.

But all of that aside, today we have to investigate all the weird stuff happening in our Institute, well it's not investigate since we already know what caused it anyways, it's Gengar.
This Gengar... I don't know, he's really strong, Ash said it must've been suffering from something deeply for it to stick with the place for so long, Ash went around the institute to try and confront the Gengar, and we did, it appears out of nowhere when Ash was cuddling with Pikachu, it makes more sense to me now, it must've been abandoned by its trainer somehow.

But then it throws Shadow Balls out of nowhere after that instead of calmly approach Ash for hugs, Ash would hug him! I know that, still, the fact that Gengar is throwing a bunch of Shadow Balls targeting Ash doesn't help him at all, he's really tired already, and guess what? One of the Shadow Ball hit Ash! Ash just straight up took a direct hit from the most powerful Ghost-type move from one of the most powerful Ghost-type Pokémon around, Ash grunt and paranoid, he looked around and got scared easily a bit after that Gengar left, I hope it doesn't do anything else to Ash...
Turns out though, it did! Just before Gengar takes his leaves, he used Poison Jab on Ash! I'm sure it was Poison Jab because Ash looked like he was in pain constantly after that and was occasionally groan and looks ill, his skin is sort of pale and his eyelids are dark, he would also cough occasionally.

When the effect of Shadow Ball goes off, we let him sit with us to discuss the Poison Jab and Gengar which he refused people saying Gengar curse people because it's simply not a thing, a bit after that, I don't know if it's true or not but Ash basically got screwed when he does something, his chair leg broke moment after that, he grunts in pain and got up, ready to take some water but he was sort of mindless? I don't know but he took the flower pot and drink from it instead and we told him so he spits all of it out but he coughed because there's some flower freshener in there, but what people missed was the fact that Ash coughed out something black, small and slender like a small sheet of black paper, I took it and inspect it after everyone's gone, it's a flower petal, so I could be crazy but Ash is suffering from the same 'curse' Nurse Joy told me about the other day, I'm still waiting for the diagnosis which Nurse Joy promised to send me via mail had it completed, I hope not, because...
Ash, I wanted to tell you so much that it hurts like hell bearing this curse.

Anyways, at the end of the day, Ash got along with Gengar, and with its help, we defeated team Rocket, actually just Ash because he's amazing! I know, everyone knows.
After the whole thing, Ash invited Gengar to join his team but after he finished his speech to Gengar he's knocked out.

That's where I'm at basically, I'm staying by his side since 4 P.M. now it's 7:30 P.M. and he's still not waking up, to be honest, I'm really worried and nervous, he got poison inside his body because of Gengar so I'm not sure how to help him with that, his hand is really cold to the touch, he's sweating a lot, he would say things randomly like he's sleeptalking but he looks scared, I wondered what did he dream about making him that scared, I can't wait anymore so I did what I have to, I went to the kitchen to find stuff which I thought might help Ash.

I made some red Ginseng tea, I actually got them in Galar the last time we visited, this stuff is expensive but I figured it's time to use it, I also add some extra nutrition booster which I thought might help, when I'm back Ash is sweating even more so I took off his T-Shirt and holy mother Arceus he's beautiful
I got a problem, okay?

I used a towel to wipe his sweat off but he ended up sweating and groaning even more after that, so I panicked, that's when Gengar comes in, he was waiting for Ash to wake up to meet him but he, like me, worried for Ash so he came and ask me to make a small cut on Ash's arm which I refused, I can't hurt Ash so I went to call for help but Gengar stopped me, signify me that this is my chance to take care of Ash so I gulp and make the cut, it was painful for me as well, I just hope I don't cough while I'm opening his arm because it's lethal to him, I've researched some medical stuff before.

After that Gengar signify me to clean the wound and suck off the poison, which was strange but Gengar said he could help deliver the poison out of Ash's heart to his arm so that I can suck it off which I accepted the risk that I could swallow some of it but for Ash's sake I must do it. I mean, at least I know that I'm alive because I'm writing this *chuckle

Everything went smoothly, Ash didn't groan or flinch in the progress, he must've heard me stay still so I could work with Gengar, after 9:00 P.M. he finally wakes up, I got him changed into my one of my T-Shirt because I don't know which one he prefers to wear in his wardrobe, there's a lot of clothes in there!
At the end of the day, it was worth it, Ash is saved, I'm fine, everyone is happy, even Gengar who got to be Ash's Pokémon.

But I can't help but ask Ash.

"What did you dream about? You seem scared."
"Oh... You remembered when we were at Aspertia City lookout?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"I dream of Jirachi betraying my wish and you left me when we're older."
"So your wish is?"
"To stay with you forever, Goh."

Must be the poison getting into him, he wouldn't waste his wish like that, right...?
Because I did, I want him to be mine forever.

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