Special: Ash's Journey Mark 歌: Song

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We already have the first special character~~~
Usually, the Journey Mark is Goh's journal but this chapter is from Ash because he has a lot to show and tell.

It's a lovely day in Alola, I feel bad when I can't go out to enjoy the cooling breeze blowing through Ula'ula island, I'm the Champion and the Champion gotta stay on his Chamber, awaiting his challengers, so far I defeated five challengers and I feels like I could easily defeat hundreds right now to go back to Goh, it's just Pokémon battle, not rocket science.

And I'm just a genius at Pokémon battle, my knowledge of Pokémon can be overwhelming if you come to me unprepared, people told me I look like a regular 10 years old boys who are just cool and kind of blindly confident but it's just me and I love myself and Goh, and I knows what I'm doing, with my new Gang I'm sure to be back to Goh as soon as possible while at the same time keeping my Champion title so Goh can benefit from it in the future. 'He's gonna be proud if he found out his boyfriend's a Champion' I thought and giggled while Kukui informs someone beat the Elite Four again and is awaiting me.

"I'm ready, let's GO!!!"

"Hau, do your best okay?"
"Alola Ash, I'll sure as hell beat you back to Kanto!"

It's that classic battle against me and Hau again, but this time it's a close match between Pikachu and his Alolan Raichu, well, not close enough for me *chuckle* I see that Hau has learned a lot more than last time I met him before coming here to challenge me, he did manage to beat the Elite Four with the highest rating, after all, no matter how hard he learns I will still be able to beat him, why?

Because I gotta return home to Goh with the champion title.

I promised myself that, and I can't lose.

As his Raichu tried to hit Pikachu with a Thunderbolt, Pikachu return the favor with a Quick Attack and an Iron Tail, next we know what to do, we always finish off with a Z-Move but I know he didn't expect this nor everyone else.

I remember Goh showing me that dance move with Pikachu the other day while I was resting, it was quite cute, and honestly, I like it, they danced perfectly together and very synchronized as well, then Goh did that pose just like Pikachu when Pikachu jump on his chest and ask for a lift when Goh holds Pikachu and throw him into the air several times, along with catching and repeat.

So I come to Tapu Koko and ask for its help to create Pikanium Z.

I tried to dance again with Pikachu, it's not perfect but Pikachu strikes a series of synchronized poses with me to build Z-Power. Pikachu then jumps into my arms and is thrown into the air, where it starts spinning around rapidly and becomes surrounded by yellow electricity. It then slams into the opponent with great force. While Hau's Raichu did a Z-Move as well but I expected it, it's gonna be Stoked Sparksurfer but it was slower so Pikachu hit the Z-Move first, knocking Raichu to the ground and it's fainted.

We claimed another victory when Kukui announces a new challenger is approaching so I quickly get ready again and ask Hau to go get a drink later which he happily accept and ask me to teach him more, I giggled and accept his request as he accepts mine.

After defeating another 14 trainers Kukui said that's it for this batch of challenger, at this point I'm so tired already but he has to do an interview, to which I frown and sigh and try to sneak my way through it but Kukui said it's Alola first ever so I just go with him to the interview, wait, I have an idea~! I gotta sing something for Goh yeah? Then makes him know that I love him so much then return to him and confess, it's gonna be perfect!!!

I quickly change my tone from frowning and grumpy to very exciting and happy, I told Kukui to wait for me for 15 minutes I gotta do a rehearsal which confused Kukui, he gave me a slight nod and that confused look when I'm about to do something crazy but yeah I'm DOING something crazy right now, it's finally time for me to decide Goh is my lover!

I opened my journal and maneuver to the page which I wrote the song for Goh, I named it "I want to write you a song" because it's just me, the best reflection of me and my love for Goh I think, so I took the notebook and sing along with it for a while to get used to it, Goh's probably heard me singing before, to Pikachu so I guess it sounds okay since he listened for the entire lullaby.

After I feel comfortable with the song I quickly went back to the interview and went through the pretty boring stuff, I was waiting for a chance to sing it.

And my chance came when Kukui asks if I have any special message to everyone.

"I don't know what to say to everyone but there's this guy, in Kanto, we've been together for months now, I like him, like as in love kind of like, yeah I love him" Everyone on the studio laughed at me wholeheartedly which made me happy because it's not offensive laugh, I continued.

"I love him a lot, so today I want to dedicate this song to him, to show him how much I love him, Goh, if you're seeing this, I will be home soon!!!"

Then I started singing as best as I could, there's voice crack here and there but... Here we go.

I wanna write you a song
One as beautiful as you are sweet
With just a hint of pain, for the feeling that I get when you're gone
I wanna write you a song~

I wanna lend you my coat
One that as soft as your cheeks
So when the world is cold, you'll have a hiding place you can go
I wanna lend you my coat

Everything I need I get from you~
Give it back is all I wanna do~~

I wanna build you a boat
One as strong as you are free!
So anytime you think, that your heart is gonna sing you know it won't
I wanna build you a boat~

Everything I need I get from you~
Give it back is all I wanna do~~

Everyone went silent but has that enjoyable look on their face so I guess I was doing good, I was nervous and sweating here how are you guys so calm!!! I'm screaming inside because my heart is pounding, I'm blushing probably really hard and am sweating and shaking because I don't know if Goh feels the same way, I just don't. But I continued anyways, I will get my answer soon.

Everything I need I get from you~
Give it back is all I wanna do~~

I wanna write you a song
One that makes your heart remember me
So anytime I'm gone, you can listen to my voice and sing along
I wanna write you a song...
I wanna write Goh a song~

Andddddddddd everyone was clapping, which mean I'm doing good, I sighed in relief and thanks to everyone for listening to this horrible song of mine, but at the end, I coughed and I feel something in the back of my throat went up to my mouth and I apologized beforehand and went outside to check on it, turns out it's a flower petal, a rice lily which I knew who this petal belongs to right away and tell myself.
"Goh, I'm going home soon."


Anyways I'm working on the next chapter! I'll try to publish it before the 17th, and it's gonna have a Journey Mark as well!
Thank you for reading <3 Hope you have a great day~!
(Also I used lyrics from the song "I want to write you a song" by One Direction)

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