Journey Mark ラブシナリオ: Love Scenario Pt.1

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Chapter Summary

Ash and Goh's first date together!
And also his Champion identity is about to be blown.

Chapter Notes

It's me again, back with a full fluffy chapter (Sort of because it has two part)
Anyways I hope you have a great time, enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more

You are the future, and 'future' looks good.

"Ash, Ash, are you asleep?" I was excited I can't sleep at all, also my fever hasn't gone down so it's kind of hard to sleep so instead of trying to sleep I checked on Ash, surprisingly the skinny Snorlax is still awake because he replied "Hey, what's up?" clearly from the top bunk, yet quiet because he probably doesn't want to wake Pikachu up, I also don't want to wake Scorbunny up so I carefully put him, who's sleeping on my arm, onto the pillow to climb down to Ash's bunk, Ash is showing clear excitement in his face, it's cute and kind of dumb but it's okay, he's now my boyfriend, it's incredible really, I moved from an "I don't need friend guy" to someone independent, I guess Ash could change me quite a lot.

We did talk quite a lot about our first date after I had dinner with Ash, initially, we wanted to visit Galar again but abandoned the first plan because the weather is not nice, so since the weather's not nice we changed our destination to Saffron City, Ash said he will take me to a cafe which he likes and also later we will be going to a kaiten-zushi[1] restaurant in Saffron City, it's gonna be fun because I really like seafood and I'm going with Ash this time, honestly I need some food because I'm turning into a skeleton soon.

Ash was feeling so bad and sad knowing it's him causing me the disease, he asked me many questions about my wellbeing, like "Goh did you lose weight?" "Goh, why didn't you tell me?" "Goh, why are you so pale?" "Goh you're having amenia?" like he cared so much for me I almost feel bad, I can't ask him anything because I'm stuck with a bunch of flower inside my throat, it sucks.

Anyways, It's like 10 P.M. already we're supposed to be asleep at this time but we couldn't, so after I moved down to Ash's bunk to maybe chat with him for a bit but it ended like this.

"Ash, can I sleep with you?"
"Why not? Let me get Pikachu up there with Scorbunny"

"Hey, I'm back."
"You sure didn't let me wait huh, it's quite fast."
"Yup, I don't want you to wait anymore."

Ash chuckle was so cute it could cure disease and lighten up the skies, Ash has changed quite significant after knowing me according to his friends, I also see it too, but that adventurous side is still with him, and it's good I always like him being adventurous so I can watch his back. People say I'm a contrast version of Ash but I prefer it to be 'I go perfectly with Ash and complement him.'

"So, you like cuddling?"
"What's that?"
"Like this."

Ash then asks me to turn my back to him, then I feel his arms gently wrap around my thin body, I feel... I don't know this feeling's new but it feels good, it feels warm and nice, Ash, despite really strong is surprisingly gentle when handling things, including handling me, I feel like I could melt into his arm right now.

"Do you feel good...?"

Ash whisper lightly into my ear, I could feel his breath going inside my ear, it's warm and feels tingly, it feels nice, I moan lightly and shiver lightly which made Ash chuckle again, but it's true though it does feel really good.

"Not enough Ash."
"Okay, how about this?"

Then I feel Ash's head move closer to mine, holding me closer, I feel his heat clearer now as he started singing a lullaby.

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