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a little over a week after the party, brynn, annie, john, kenzie, lilia, emily, and lauren were back on set, hanging out in lilia's dressing room.

brynn, john, and annie were playing mario kart. kenzie and lauren were watching conspiracy theory videos on youtube, lilia and emily were drawing flowers on each other and stuff. 

"hey! mind if we join?"nadia asks as she, anna, and william barged into the room

"no not at all."

"so did you guys hear? those actors that are going to do that cameo or something are filming today."william speaks up as he sits next to john who hands him a controller

"i heard. do you guys know who it is?"lauren asks as she looks around the room. the group collectively shakes their head making the blonde sigh

"honestly, why are they making such a big deal out of this? like they're probably just bringing in actors that no one knows or something. not like any professional actor would willingly audition to be in a brat thing"brynn scoffs

"honestly though. like imagine asher, jaeden or wyatt auditioning for one. heck even noah schnapp wouldn't do this"emily states

"i mean — noah's still a talented actor no matter how — questionable his actions have been lately. he's definitely miles ahead of all us i mean, you guys have seen stranger things season 2 right?"annie says, still focused on the game as she threw a banana peel at william's character.

"yeah. bottomline is though, brat's making such a big deal out of this cameo i bet it's just someone from the hype house or whatever"lilia mumbles as she put petals on the flower she was drawing on emily's arm

"they said these were like legitimate actors though, like apparently they've been in actual hollywood movies if you know what i mean?"anna chimes in

"what kind of legitimate actor would audition for this?"kenzie scoffs

"those that eat their brother's pot brownies"

"jaeden? wyatt?"


"wait wait. say that again, but slowly"

"jaeden and i accidentally had some of my brother's pot brownies, so we accidentally sent an audition for these roles, high. and now we're here"wyatt explains before sighing as he read through the script they gave him

"so this is what you auditioned for?"john furrows his eyebrows


"and you guys were high?"kenzie asks as she rests her head on john's shoulder


"and you still got the role?"emily asks in disbelief making jaeden and wyatt shrug

"we're confused too"

"imagine being that good"lilia mumbles

"i think it was just for clout because we're talking about brat but go off i guess"john says

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