
23 12 4


I just wanted to better explain myself and my situation regarding school and shit. Therefore you would know more of why updates may take a bit or if I take awhile to answer or reply to a comment and or request.

I live in Canada, therefore schools are different then in America. There for four groups for me, one would be put into a group according to their last name and since mine starts with a V I'm in the last group.

Theses group go to school on different days, for this week and next week I'm only physically going to school on Thursday and Friday but then it switches. What blew my mind was that there's only 10 days in each term. Meaning I'll have to focus much more, the only time I'll be able to write is during nighttime.

Also to anyone who thinks I'm ignoring them I'm not, trust me. School this year is gonna be different and I need to focus on myself before focusing on others. So please, I would never ignore anyone on purpose.

I hope you all understand and have a great day:)

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