The One

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This is a short story I wrote for a writing contest and I'm super proud of it. Only reason why I'm posting it on here instead of my one shot book is because there isn't really any romance involved.

Hope you like it!



For every person who was kind: a tree grew.” Our history teacher spoke, head held high as he walked through the door. For just a moment there was silence in the room; so quiet you could hear the clock ticking, before the chatter of others came back and filled the once silent void. Sadly this was normal; had been for years now. It had become the new normal, at least for our parents; we were used to this type of behavior because we were born into it. Nobody knew how to act kind and anyone who did was too scared to speak up for fear of getting beat up or bullied. Quite tragic if you think about it. 

“Would anyone tell me how they think life was like back when there were trees?” Mr. Johnson said, and of course no one listened.  I lifted my head at the mention of trees and slowly started raising my hand but midway through I stopped and hesitated. I’ll just get made fun of, this isn’t worth it. 

“Twenty years ago trees lined the fields, forests full of them. They provided clean air for us to breathe and gave the earth life!” Mr. Johnson shouted over the students that wouldn’t give him the time of day. I sat quietly in the far back corner of the room, secretly listening in on the lesson as my interest had piqued.

“For every kind gesture or compliment a tree would grow and for every mean gesture or insult a tree would start dying.” He continued on, ignoring the fact that literally no one was listening. Or at least that’s probably what he thought because how could he know I was actually listening in on his lesson? I sat in the corner and no one even knew my name so of course he wouldn’t.

“We once had millions of trees because everyone was nice to each other.” 

“Nobody cares!” Some kid yelled out, interrupting Mr. Johnson’s lesson. The kid snickered to himself at his shallow act; thinking he was cool or something just because he yelled out in the middle of a lesson that nobody else seemed to care about. I sighed heavily while rolling my eyes and rested my head in my arms, turning it so I could look out the window at the world we lived in. The sun glistened across the horizon as teenagers played on the field under the naked sky. 

“Okay you know what, you guys can all just read the article and do the stupid sheet. I’m tired of this.” Mr. Johnson said as he threw his arms up in defeat. I was impressed with how far he got before he had had enough of students doing their own thing and not listening. Mr. Johnson started handing out the plastic sheets along with the article. Yes, plastic sheets. Since we didn't have many trees anymore we had to switch over to plastic. It wasn't the worst but then again I couldn't really have an opinion because I’d never been able to use paper. 

After setting up I began reading the article and doing my work like I was told to. 

Throughout the semester Mr. Johnson carried on with the topic of trees, and I found myself becoming more and more interested in what he had to say. 
Summer break was right around the corner and everyone was eager to finish this school year and start their two months of freedom. I, on the other hand, had different plans. 

"Mr. Johnson!" I said loudly enough so that he could hear me over the shuffling and hollering of students through the halls. His head perked up from his computer and he cocked his eyebrow. 

"I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your lessons about the history of trees. I learned a lot and I hope you have a great summer break. Bye!" I waved frantically at Mr. Johnson; he had the most bewildered expression across his face before a smile broke out. 

The minute I stepped outside I stopped dead in my tracks. I caught a glimpse of something bright green in a place that was only ever grey.
A tree.

I grinned from ear to ear and continued my way home. 


In a world where trees grow and die is based off of kindness. For every nice gesture a tree grows and for every mean gesture a tree dies. Everyone is mean to each other so there aren't many trees anymore. One day though the history teacher decides to teach a lesson about the history of trees and while everyone else just does whatever and ignores the teacher, Craig, who sat in the back found himself interested and wanting to know more. By the end of the semester Craig goes up to the teacher's desk and compliments him on his work and lessons and walks off. Once stepping outside Craig spots a tree out front of the school.

Word count: 875

~November 30th, 2020~

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