Bakugo | VII

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♡ You're a gift to the people in your life.

 If they don't know that, 

they don't deserve you! ♡

_ _ _ _

I ran all the way to my classroom as soon as Jiro and I parted ways. I closed the door behind me and walked up to Aizawa's desk. He was laying underneath it, napping.

"I want to fight Bakugo Katsuki for first place," I said bluntly when he woke up and sat upright behind his desk.

"I'm sorry, what." He said, staring blankly at me.

"Bakugo got first place on the test yesterday, and I got last. I want to fight him. If I win, I get to stay at U.A."

"Okay." He said before his head thumped to the desk. At first, I thought he'd passed out and I would need to call an ambulance, but when loud snores started to emanate from behind the curtain of hair I realized that he'd just fallen asleep again.

I'd expected him to say no, or argue with me about it, but he was much more chill than I thought. I suppose I could eventually grow to like this teacher.

I took my seat near the window again, waiting for the rest of the class to show up. When they did, we were all herded outside by Present Mic. Mr. Aizawa brought up the rear of the group, making sure Kaminari couldn't slip off and ditch class. We all knew he wanted to.

"Sooooo, I heard you're going to fight Bakugo for first place." Present Mic said conspiratorially, but it was so loud that he ruined the effect of secrecy.

Bakugo briefly glared at me from across the group, but quickly got distracted by a boy with spiky red hair who bounced up to him, talking excitedly. I noticed he had replaced the school's uniform shoes with crocs the same colour as his hair. I now held a new respect for shark boy.

"Yep, I am." I responded mildly, before walking over to Bakugo.

"Hey, I'm sorry about this. It's nothing personal, you were just in first place, so I figured-"

"Don't be sorry. I'm going to beat you anyways." He growled, glaring at me.

"Whatever," I shrugged and smiled, walking away. I noticed Shark Boy put an arm around Baku's shoulder, and the Pomeranian's face seemed to be going red for a different reason than anger. Shark Boy smiled.

The rest of the class stood on the sidelines while Bakugo and I stood on opposite sides of a sparring arena.

"Don't blame me if I blow them up," Baku snarled at Mr. Aizawa. Aizawa shrugged, but Present Mic laughed.

"Don't underestimate them, Bakugo." Darn you, Present Mic. Being underestimated was my whole plan. 

Bakugo looked enraged at the very thought that I might beat him.

Bakugo Katsuki didn't wait for anyone to say 'go'. He launched himself at me as fast as he could, yelling something incoherent and practically blasting the skin off his hands. I watched as he flew through the air, turning a somersault. I ran to the other side of the arena quickly, and he almost face-planted into the ground. Angry that I'd dodged him, Baku flew across the arena again, screaming more obscenities.

"STOP SWEARING THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT!" I screamed back, pointing in the general directions of Deku and Uraraka, who both flushed pink.

As I kept dodging Bakugo's attacks, he got angrier and angrier. The whole reason I'd wanted to fight him in the first place (other than that he was top of the class and I wanted to stay at U.A.) was that I knew his fighting style. In the test yesterday, I had seen that the more he lost (or felt like he was losing) the angrier he got, which made him lose even more due to his anger. I knew that all I had to do was make him angry enough that he would make a mistake. I was pretty close to this point already, and I had only dodged him two or three times. He was not used to someone fighting him and surviving for more than thirty seconds. 

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