Chapter 3

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After Elena met her Defence against Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge, she suddenly realized that Snape is not even half as bad as her. What even was this woman?
After meeting that excuse of a teacher, every time Snape made a nasty remark about her or her potion skills, she bit her tongue and tried not to talk back. She needed that good grade.

On Friday, Elena had to help Professor Umbridge grading some essays of first-graders until late at night, just because she asked to try the spells instead of just studying the theory. On her way back it wasn't even Friday anymore – it was one o'clock at night on Saturday. She had to be very careful to not be caught by any teacher or Filch.
The next day, she was too tired to go to breakfast and decided to sleep half an hour longer instead of eating. But then she had to get to her detention with Snape. Her mood was already at the lowest point possible.

Elena knocked on the door of Snape's office and was asked in right away. Without looking up, Snape commanded her what to do. "I want you to start by cleaning the cauldrons on the left."
She sighed, put her things onto one of the free desks, and murmured a quiet "Okay."
Snape raised his gaze and looked at her. "Okay, Sir."
She had no nerve for this crap and was not in the mood of Snape's comments that day. "Last time I checked; I was a girl. No need to call me Sir.", she answered sassily and smiled self-satisfied.
She started cleaning the cauldrons and thought that this conversation was finished, but Snape did not let anyone speak to him like that. "I do not recall asking for an attitude, Miss Smith."
Elena, still being on edge because of her encounter with Umbridge, did not let it be. "I do not recall asking for your opinion.", she mimicked him. "Didyou know, potions is my favorite subject.", she said. Her professor, notinterested in having a conversation, just nodded. "Well, it is not anymore." 

With magic, she now finished the left row of cauldrons.
"I have finished my task, Sir, Professor Snape, Sir!" She saluted to make her exaggeration even more clear.
Snape had enough. With a nonverbal spell, he summoned her wand and looked at her satisfied. "Do the right ones without magic."

A rag and a bucket appeared next to her, and she moaned. What did she expect, that Snape gave in? That was hardly possible.
When she finished the right half, Snape nodded in approval, and she took her wand and left without saying another word. Lunchtime was already over, her mood was bad, and she was hungry. A perfect day.

When a Slytherin talked to her in the hallway after she left Snape's office, a glimmer of hope appeared. "Hey, I am Draco Malfoy.", he introduced himself. She answered with her name. No one had asked her why she changed schools to Hogwarts, until then. "Do you have any British inside you?"
Elena smiled and shook her head. "Actually, both of my parents are American. We shortly moved to the UK." Draco smiled at her suggestive."Well, do you want any British in you?"
She really had no nerve for that and looked at him outraged – and slapped him. "Ouch!"
As it seems, even Snape heard something, because he came out of his office. He was provided a clear picture: An angry-looking Elena looked at Draco, who held his hand at his red cheek. "Malfoy, Smith, in my office. Now."

Annoyed, she entered the office again after leaving it not even five minutes ago. All three of them sat down, and Snape looked at her. "Miss Smith, what lead you to assault Mr. Malfoy?", Snape sneered, and she crossed her arms. "He asked if I had any British in me.", she said and looked at Snape. He raised an eyebrow, so she continued. "Well, both of my parents are American. That is exactly what I told him."
Snape nodded and waited for her to continue her narration, noting it down, if he had to inform the headmaster. "Then he asked if I wanted any British inside me."
Her Professor let the quill fall from his hand and for a fraction of a second, he looked flabbergasted. This pleased Elena in some way. He was asking himself if his godson really said that. His gaze hushed to the boy who wore a slight blush on his cheeks and who did not deny what she just said. Snape picked up his quill and wrote that down, then he turned his attention to the girl in front of him. Still irritated, he said: "In that case, you may leave. I assure you that Mr. Malfoy will be punished accordingly. We do not accept such inappropriate behavior toward women."

Elena nodded and looked her Professor in the eyes while standing up. "Thank you, Professor. I appreciate that."One last time she looked at the platin-blonde boy next to her. "Malfoy.", she nodded as a goodbye.

She turned on her heel and left Snape's office for the second time that day. This time, she was actually thankful and even had a little grin on her face. And how come she didn't realize what beautiful onyx eyes her professor had?

 And how come she didn't realize what beautiful onyx eyes her professor had?

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