Grilled Cheese.

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Okay, so Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are actually pretty simple to make. What you need for this is: Whole Wheat Bread, (I think Whole Wheat Bread is just healthier than plain old white bread), for cheese I use Kraft Singles American Cheese and/or Deli-Sliced cheese from Aldi, you'll also need a spatula to flip the sandwiches, and butter.

To being with, I get a frying pan and use butter to grease the pan so the sandwiches do not stick to the frying pan. I find that using butter is more resourceful than using a non-stick cooking oil. It also does not burn the sandwiches as easily as regular cooking oil does, sometimes. You have to be more careful when watching your sandwiches if you use non-stick cooking oil instead of butter. Next, I usually cut a chunk of butter from the stick and put it on a saucer plate to soften the butter in the microwave. You'll want to do this for about 20 minutes. I soften the butter because it just makes it easier to spread on the bread. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO PUT YOUR SLICES OF AMERICAN CHEESE ON THE SANDWICH!

Sometimes, if you don't soften the butter and try to spread it on the sandwich, it'll tear off the bread and ruin your sandwich. Once the chunk of butter is softened, I use it to spread on one side of the bread and after the frying pan has finished heating up; you just put the side with the already softened butter on the frying pan and wait at least thirty seconds for it to cook. Then, you do the same thing with the other slice of bread but instead of putting the side with the melted butter down on the frying pan, you take the second piece of bread and put the side without the butter facedown on the first sandwich that is currently being cooked. You wait until the bread has turned golden brown or crispy and then turn off the heat of the frying pan. Place the sandwiches on a serving plate and you can also heat up a can of Tomato Soup for about 2 minutes, (I usually use the microwave, but you can also use the stovetop,) if you wish.


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