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Chapter 11


Sarah felt like her head was stuffed full of dirt. Feeling slowly returned to her and she desperately wished it hadn't. Everything hurt. She didn't dare open her eyes for fear that they too would start to sting. She turned her mind inward in search of her wolf, not daring to reach too far into the darkness. She remembered how the darkness had made her feel last time. She didn't get very far however as whatever was making her hurt was also keeping her from her companion. The thought of companions brought Willows face sharply into focus and Sarah felt panic rush through her as she wondered if Seth had killed her yet.

She tried to get up, tried to move, to find her friend. Her body refused to listen to her. She began to wonder how close to death she was but immediately pushed the thought out of her mind as she once again tried to find her only friend. The harder she tried to move the deeper she sank into the comfortable darkness. With an internal sigh, she allowed the darkness to overtake her, relaxing her body and mind as she relinquished control to the darkness.

"What do you think the Alpha's going to say to you when he gets back?" Sarah had no idea who was talking but the word Alpha had her brain on high alert, instantly shrugging off the grogginess of deep sleep.

"I'm hoping he'll understand. I couldn't just leave them in the woods to die." Sarah wanted to laugh but caught herself. Alphas in her opinion never understood anything. Hope came to life in her chest like flowers in spring at the thought that Willow had survived.

"I don't think he'll understand you disobeying a direct command. He told you to get them off of pack lands, not bring them into town." Sarah smiled to herself as the wolf put a voice to her mental monologue. That's right Alphas are nasty creatures, they care only for themselves, their own power, and their agenda.

"He'll just have to deal with it. I could not just let two women be fed to the demon vampire. That's not the kind of pack he built and if he had been there himself he would have made the same call." The First wolf sounded like he was getting fed up with this line of questioning.

"You aren't even a part of this pack anymore Datrim. You left to start your own pack. You have no authority here. You should have listened to your brother." Sarah decided to continue to pretend to be asleep as the two wolves continued to argue.

"Michael, I have done what is best for my brother's pack in his stead. Payton will return in a week, by then the two prisoners will be interrogated and we will know why in the hell they were being chased by a bloodsucker." The one called Datrim spoke in a smooth almost bored voice.

"That is if this one wakes up at all." Michael heaved in annoyance.

"She's already awake, isn't that right sweetheart." Datrim's smooth voice was aimed at her and Sarah knew that she would have to show that she was awake soon enough. But she was feeling childish so she continued to lie still pretending to be asleep. Datrim's laugh was soft and velvety and it washed over Sarah like a balm on a sore. If he wasn't holding her captive then she might have liked the wolf.

"So this is going to be the way of it? That's fine my dear, we can play it your way." Sarah could hear his footsteps leaving the room. Michaels breathing could be heard near where she lay and Sarah had to concentrate hard not to allow herself to scoot backward away from him. She stayed still keeping her breathing deep and even. Soon he too left and she could hear the key in the lock. Even then she did not open her eyes or move an inch.

She had lived most of her life in a cage, being beaten and starved for numerous years. This was easy for her. But the freedom she had had with Willow had changed her perspective on things. She knew fresh air and a full stomach, she knew laughter and friendship. Boredom was a new feeling for her and it gnawed at the edges of her sanity slowly like the rats that would come visit the cage once in a while.

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