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Chapter 10


Her stomach threatened to revolt the only good meal she had eaten in weeks. Fear's icy grip tightened on her insides as she stared the creature down. His hair was thick and wavy, his face angular. Everything about his appearance was beautiful except the sneer painted across his lips and the glint of death in his eyes. His hand hovered over Willow's sleeping form possessively and Sarah had to fight the urge to knock it away. She remembered what Willow had said about the vampires that had visited the camp to speak to Sephtis. How them looking at her had made her feel. This vampire did not make her scared really or even nervous as hatred replaced what little fear she had. Her heartbeat faster in her chest and she almost swayed in accompaniment to its feverish beat.

"I wanted this pet as soon as I laid eyes on it. The uprising that foolish dog doctor planed was the perfect excuse to sneak in and claim it for myself." His hand swept over Willows soft curls and Sarah bit back a growl.

"I almost had her too. She was heading into some caves but again I was denied what it was that I wanted most. That damn dog almost tore my head from my shoulders but he wasn't quick enough. It sis allow this pretty little morsel to get away, however." His hand absentmindedly began to stroke three jagged scars almost parallel to each other on his neck. Sarah felt herself grin at the thought of permanently marking the vampire.

"Following you was easy, getting to you not so much. Seems even without your wolf you are pretty strong. Twice you went into pack territory and I couldn't chance following you. So I waited. You came out alone so I did chance going in after her. Met some really nasty wolves that just wouldn't take no for an answer." He studied the dirt under his nails like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

"Had to take out the entire scouting party. How I hate getting fur in my teeth." The nonchalance in his voice made the anger bubbling inside Sarah begins to boil and she had to grit her teeth against the need to rip him to shreds and burn the remains. The wolf inside her yipped at the thought of sinking its teeth into the foul creature. She moved ever so slightly to be in a better potion to pounce. Inch by inch she rose to her knees.

"Then you did it again. You went where I dared not follow. Took forever coming out too and when you did you brought other dogs with you. They could smell me and gave chase. I really do hate being chased." Sarah moved a little more rising to lift a leg so that she was kneeling.

"I am surprised that you did not catch my scent after the last chase you gave me. You are a fast dog but not nearly fast enough." Sarah now squatted on the balls of her feet as her muscles bunched and she readied herself for the lunge.

Just like with the rabbits. Prepare for the move; anticipate his actions, breath steady.

Her wolf instructed her inside her mind barely making it through the haze of meds and adrenaline as Sarah did exactly as she was told. Willow turned toward her and her eyes slowly began to open. Sarah cursed silently as her friend looked into her face the small smile falling as she took in her friend's expression. Still, the vampire hovered over her like a vulture with a fresh kill.

"I am so very glad to see you awake my little pet." His sing-song voice once again making Sarah want to lose last night's dinner all over the dirt at her feet. Willow's eyes grew huge and round as recognition and utter fear replaced the calm that was there before. Willow's face contorted to pure panic as she mouthed the word SETH. Sarah made the smallest of nods to let her friend know that she understood.

"She never did belong to you. She belonged to the Alpha and then I stole her from him so now she's mine." Sarah forced as much bravado and arrogance into her voice as she could. She was waiting for him to make a move and was buying time until he did. He was too close to Willow for her liking and could easily take her out with a simple movement. The sneer that lit up his face has her wolf howling in her head and she almost missed what the damned thing said next.

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