On The Run

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This story will introduce the switching of P.O.V.s between characters! Of course, the events of this story take off after Another Time, Another Universe, so if you haven't read that story yet, you need to read it before starting this one, because this is its sequel and the second ATAU book overall.

Anyways, enjoy!


Yogurt Cup's P.O.V.

"Come on! Hurry up, Yogurt Cup! We need to get out of here!"

"I'm trying to run as fast as I can! Why do I even have to come with you, anyway?"

"Erm... to keep me company, of course! W-why do you ask?"

"Ummm... I just wanted to know?" 

All I want to know right now is why I'm in this situation. It seemed just last night that I was enjoying Snowball's affectionate company in what was probably the sweetest experience I'd ever had. Now, however, I'm running away from an angry mob of other objects with my crazy best friend.

As she tightly squeezes my hand to keep me up with her, I think back on the past few days I've been here in this 'universe', hoping the new friends I made don't hate me too for running away with Leafy.

I didn't even choose to do this...

This must've been the "plan" Leafy was talking about. I had a feeling that I would've been right to be untrusting of it, because I was proved right about that now, but what could I have done about it? Now look what's happening to me; I should've been more specific giving Leafy that terrible idea to find a way to "cope" with her problems. Now I suddenly have to leave all my friends behind?! One things's for sure; this isn't going to end well...

Suddenly, a bright light-green beam of light comes speeding up behind us, and it seems to be heading straight for Leafy.

"Leafy, look out!"

Unfortunately, my warning was too late, and the beam strikes Leafy square in the back, enveloping her with its energy. While it appears to be harmless, Leafy simultaneously seems to be unable to move, as the energy engulfing her seems to be stunning her, keeping her in place. I immediately stop in my tracks to try to think of something to do to help Leafy out.

"Go, just go! Keep running, I'll be OK! I'll catch up with you later on!"

I hesitate for a little bit, unsure of whether to listen to Leafy and keep going or stay back to fend the mob off and protect her.


Never had I ever heard Leafy yell so loudly, if at all.

Shocked by her aggressive tone, I nod swiftly and quickly continue on my way. Hopefully she'll find a way to escape somehow...


As I continue sprinting for my life, Leafy finally catches up with me, and we start conversating as we dash blindly through the woods.

"Leafy, you're OK! How'd you get out of that beam stun, and what caused it, anyway?"

"I couldn't leave until those guys were almost able to touch me. Apparently, Pencil shot me with this thing called a "Leafy Detector", which is supposed to track my location with a beam that stops me in place so objects can follow it and find me, I guess. But I dodged those guys before they could catch me, and I just ran all the way back here to catch up to you. I told you I'd be OK!"

I give Leafy a relieved smile, and we continue on our way in silence until we eventually reach a precarious-looking gorge spanned only by a small, thin, rickety old wooden bridge. Leafy stops for a moment, but then turns to me.

"Yogurt Cup, I'm gonna need you listen to me very carefully now. When we get on the bridge, I need you to hold my hand as tightly as possible to help you keep your balance, and when I start counting, on the count of three, say 'Blue Skidoo, we can, too!' with me. Ready?!"

"Um... OK...?!"

Leafy holds my hand and we quickly scamper onto the unstable-looking bridge. I look down into the deep abyss of the gorge, and my heart pounds and I start to feel lightheaded.

I'm kind of afraid of heights...

Regardless, I try to stay stable and balance myself. Just then, however, I notice the mob not farther than several yards away from us, quickly gaining closer on us.

"Hurry! I'm getting kind of dizzy being so high over this gorge, and the mob is getting closer!"

"Don't worry, I've got our exit right here!"

Leafy is then coincidentally hit by a floating paper flying in from the sky. She opens it up, revealing it to be a magical map.

I don't question where it came from or what it does, and I don't believe very much that the map will get us out of here or even that Leafy has even used one before, much less that it will get us to somewhere safe if it should work.

Despite this, I push aside my doubts and hope for the best anyway. As Leafy holds the map high in the air, I ready myself; it's now or never, after all.

"One... two... three! Blue Skidoo, we can, too!"

I quickly recite the odd phrase simultaneously with Leafy, and right afterwards, I can suddenly feel my body warping into the magical paper.

"What's happening?!"

"You'll see when we get there!"

And with that, we teleport into whatever mysterious new place the map should take us, leaving the mob behind.

I just hope we're gonna end up somewhere safe, wherever we're going...


Third-Person P.O.V.

The mob eventually catches up to the gorge, and Pin finds the map Leafy and Yogurt Cup used, lying idly on the ground.

"...And good riddance! I knew that Yogurt Cup was trouble, siding with Leafy the stealing traitor!", Pin remarks as she rips the map up into tiny shreds.

"I know, I know! What a bunch of, like, losers!" Pencil agrees.

"Come on, everyone. I believe our work here is done."

And with that, the mob of object contestants head off in the opposite direction on their way back to Goiky.

A/N: Not the longest chapter, I know. But this story is not going to be that long; perhaps shorter than Another Time, Another Universe, due to the lack of content in BFDIA involving Leafy, let alone in general. Regardless, stay tuned!


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