Unwanted Company

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A/N: Just so you guys know, this chapter starts right after the point in Welcome to Yoyleland when Leafy runs away into the Yoylewoods, and that this chapter will be the first time in the story, and the ATAU series in general, that features more than one distinct P.O.V. in a chapter. Just wanted to clarify things :]

Also, //TW:

There will be a death and some v**it in this chapter, just warning you now!


Leafy's P.O.V.

I run towards the Yoylewoods on my left, speeding past yoylebushes and other ground foliage, through thick trees and stringy vines, wanting to get as far away as I can from Yogurt Cup. I know I screwed up bad when I impulsively decided to take her along with me to Yoyleland, but did I really deserve to be screamed at like that so harshly? I mean, I didn't mean to hurt her in doing that; we're best friends, and best friends don't do that to each other! And yet I hurt her anyway; emotionally and even potentially physically, because only I've been to Yoyleland before, and surviving here's no cakewalk, but Yogurt Cup has never been out in the wilderness before. 

But I just wanted Yogurt Cup to come with me for to keep me company... right? Or did I want her to be here with me for another reason?...

There's just something so strange about her... I'd never been so... emotionally dependent... on Yogurt Cup before.

The afternoon sun slowly but steadily falls through the sky, casting its long, draping shadows on the lands beneath. Feeling dejected, tired and famished, I eventually find myself a yoylebush by a large, rugged old tree. 

Desperate for something to eat, I pluck a few yoyleberries off the plant and devour them quickly. I just love the feeling of yoylemetal coating my body, but I'd experienced it so often in the past that it gets kind of old nowadays.

Regardless of that, with my new energy from the yoyleberries, I continue to bound swiftly through the forest. I can't give up on my life; I just can't. I continue on my way sprinting throughout the forest until I eventually find a bright light at the end of the passageway. Excitedly, I dash towards it even faster, hoping to escape the treacherous Yoylewoods as soon as possible.

When I reach the bright end of the path, I stop dead in my tracks not to find civilization or even just North Goiky, but instead a sunny yoyleberry field. It looks pretty similiar to the yoyleberry field east of the forest passageway I blindly ran through about a few hours earlier, except for that there are no trees. 

Maybe Yogurt Cup went there after I left her?

I put the thought out of my mind and run rapidly over to the yoylebushes. Those yoyleberries I ate not longer than a few minutes ago were invigorating, but not quite enough for me, so I snatch a few more off the bushes and hungrily devour them as well. I'm about to take one more until I hear faint footsteps, seeming to be heading in my direction, slowly getting louder.

Though I hope that those aren't the footsteps of any approaching objects and rather some small animalistic creature, I soon realize that they have to be of the former for certain. I move a bit closer to see who the source of the footsteps are, and surely enough, they are, in fact, other objects; Needle and 2 others I don't think I've ever seen before.

Those others appear to be a glob of some lime-green jelly and a light-pink glimmery ball of fluff. As they arrive in the field, they appear to be chatting gleefully and holding small brown baskets, perhaps to collect yoyleberries with. Angered at this unwanted company, I decide to stop hiding like a coward and show myself, feeling unbridled anger beginning to surge through my body.

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