Recovery, Reconnection and Thoughts of Revenge

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Leafy's P.O.V. (still, of course)

I finally arrive back in Goiky a few minutes later, and it's now the next morning as I step onto the sandy island shore. I teleported 2,763 miles across that ocean, and now I need to fulfill my first priority: recovering Yogurt Cup. I first take a look at my surroundings, carefully scrutinizing the area for signs of any other objects before setting off on my way.

As I'm walking around the island looking for any recovery centers that might hopefully be around, I suddenly pick up on some faint conversation going on several yards away by a swingset. I look over to the source of the sound and find Bubble looking uncomfortable as Pin corners her at the left-most swing seat.


"Roilly, Pin? Not this agoin! What do you want?"

"I think we should set aside our differences and become acquaintances!"

"I don't knoiow. I mean, you're a pin and Oi'm a boibble, so..."

"I said, we should set aside our differences and become acquaintances!" 

"Well, Oi'm also in anoither alloiance..."

"But Bubble, don't you want to be friends with a wonderfully beautiful, universally admired, stunningly courageous, mind-bogglingly modest and heroic hero like me?"

"I'll have to moike shoire it's OK with moi alloiance."

"Bubble, your alliance is dead, and besides, we've got a lot in common!"

"Roilly? I don't thoink so..."

"Hmm... I hate Leafy. You do too, right?"

"OH MY BUBBLE BLOWER, Leafy, doifinitely! Leafy is a moinster!"

"And her voice is so freakish!"

"Hoy, hoy! That's so true!"

I think I've had enough of listening to this disgustingly disrespectful conversation, so I decide to step in and interrupt them, putting on my biggest, chummiest smile.

Now I can see why Yogurt Cup hates Pin so much. 

"Oh! Hey, guys! It sure took me a LONG time to walk those 2,763 miles, but now I'm back!"

A smirk stretches across my face as Pin and Bubble scream in horror at my monstrous appearance, and I snicker to myself inaudibly as they start blathering gibberish and making strange, grotesque faces at me.

They pull out several dozens of small syringes filled with a frosty light blue substance inside each one and begin to stab them into my body. However, little do those fools know, yoylemetal is unfreezable.

I continue to smirk triumphantly and turn towards them. 

"You know, you can't freeze metal, dum-dums! But anyways, I came back to Goiky because I got tired of eating yoyleberries and now I just want other food for a change. You got any recommendations?"

I know very well that the explanation I gave was mostly a lie. Sure, yoyleberries ARE getting to be a bit old for me, but I have better things to be returning to Goiky for, like getting Yogurt Cup back and trying to reconcile with Firey about the Dream Island incident, and my diet is currently one of the least of my concerns.

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