2,763 Miles to Freedom

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A/N: I realized that I can't write a zillion chapters about Yogurt Cup's journey to Yoyleland, because I don't have THAT much content to put for that, and it would create LOADS of unnecessary filler and make the story long for no reason. So, that's why I made the rest of the story short (the whole thing has a total of 6 chapters). And now the story continues!

Yogurt Cup's P.O.V. (still)

 It's been several weeks that I've spent in the Evil Forest, and I run through the woods relentlessly, dashing down the rough dirt path as I pant heavily. Evening has fallen, but the sun doesn't shine at all through the thick evergreen trees and shrubs, and a dense shadow of almost-complete darkness cloaks the environment in lieu of its usual golden glow.

Fortunately, the fog seems to have partially subsided, and it feels easier for me to breath now. I stop momentarily to catch my breath and snatch up a yoyleberry to eat it, and I then continue on my way down the path even faster as the yoylemetal lightens my body.

I see no reason for to go back to Yoyleland other than for the fact that I have nowhere else to stay; my first experience here was absolutely horrible, after all. 

Even worse, Leafy is dead now, and I don't even know if I'll EVER be able to see her again, because as far as I'm concerned, BFDIA could go on for months, leaving me without a recovery center to use. Until everyone would've already forgotten about the Dream Island incident, I can't be bothered to show my face around those other objects again. Hopefully, when I get to Yoyleland, there'll be hope for me there. 

Whether it's recovering Leafy, finding civilization, or simply just escaping these horrid woods in general, I have to find a way out of this mess. Because, SURELY, my current situation can't possibly get any worse...


I sprint on until I eventually come to a stop, overhearing some ongoing conversation between several voices not far away. I quietly slip over to the foliage lining the left side of the forest path I'm on to try not to let them hear me, and I then carefully peak through the bushes and vines to see what's going on.

I see that, on another path on the other side of these trees, some objects are standing in a group; perhaps a team for BFDIA. They seem to look kind of tired and slightly agitated. Next to them is a strange orange speaker box who appears to be lecturing them. I focus and pay closer attention to their discussion.


"OK, Here's an HPHPRCC," the bright orange speaker box unenthusiastically announces.

"You mean a Hand-Powered HPRC Creator? Those are my favorite!", a giant yellow smiley face exclaims. He seems overly optimistic.

"If you turn the HPHPRCC's lever long enough, it will create an HPRC," the speaker box continues to explain.

"Um... how long is long enough, exactly?", Coiny questions, visibly confused. I wonder if at least he doesn't hate me now.

"It depends on how hard you guys crank. It can take from a few weeks to over a month!", the orange speaker box goes on.

"*sigh*... Oh, great. How fun. I've been reduced to a cranking slave!", groans an armless nickel. Maybe he and Coiny get along well, seeing as they're both coins.

"Weeks of cranking? That sounds exhausting!", whines a shiny red ruby. She sounds a bit like Ice Cube; I don't suppose she knows her?

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