Section One

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Jimi Leroy

Waiting on the tarmac at the airport was boring to Jimi Leroy. He kept his head up towards the window. The palm of his hand touched the window. While he waited, he kept his hand up to the glass. He felt the breeze drifting past the window, like the breeze was an extension of himself.

The breeze travelled from the window, down along the side of the plane. Reached the wing of the place, the breeze twisted and twirled. The jets were slowing down, like the plane had reached where the plane needed to go. A little way down from the wings, the staircase had been locked into place outside the plane's door.

Coming to a complete stop, the plane seemed to have reached its destination. The breeze took a sharp turn left from the door. Heading down each of the steps, the breeze began to break apart.

Jimi lowered his eyelids. The breeze was almost out of range. He could see a faint outline from the breeze's path, as the breeze drifted over the metal staircase. He kept his eyes closed, trying to keep focused on the breeze's path. Seeing a faint image of the object the breeze had touched. Jimi knew what he was seeing was nothing like being able to see for himself. He saw the way each of the objects were shaped. The way their texture was as the breeze drifted over the object's surface. But the colours on them were not able to be seen.

The breeze drifted away from the plane. Touching a town car parked on the tarmac. Jimi knew the car was awaiting his departure from the plane. He wondered how far was the car from the bottom of the staircase attached to the plane.

Splitting apart, the breeze drifted around the car. Jimi knew the model and make of the car. He was able to see even the engine parts inside. The engine had some kind of problem, he could tell by how the breeze split around the surface.

A slight hole in one of the pipes had him a bit worried about the car's condition. Squinting his eyes, he focused on a dim breeze. He knew the dim breeze was all that remained of the breeze he first connected with.

The breeze slithered over the soft gloved hands of the driver. The driver opened the backseat door, softly with a tug. Slithering between the cracks, Jimi was able to see who was waiting for him in the car. He knew she would be there. She was always waiting for his arrival. At that moment, he wished she had sent one of her assistants instead.

The pilot went onto the intercom to address their arrival. He spoke in a soft and calm tone.

"Welcome to New York City. The weather is sunny with a chance of cloudy periods, and the temperature outside is sixty-four degrees Fahrenheit. It's a nice day. I hope you enjoyed your trip."

Jimi lowered his hand from the glass. He opened his eyes. He rose from his seat. The pilot was nice enough to tell him about the weather. But he knew how predictable the weather could be.

Standing up from his seat, Jimi kept his eyes staring straight ahead. He knew the flight attendants would be by the door. They would be waiting for him to reach them. Each one would smile as he walked past their dolled up faces.

Jimi placed his hands on the seats. He made his way towards the front of the plane, where the door was. He could not wait to leave the plane.

Reaching the flight attendants, he felt one of them placed their hand onto his shoulder. She must have been the new one. He heard one of the flight attendants complain about her during their flight. She seemed to be clumsy and pretty. But people could only tolerate those attributes for so long.

Jimi felt his cheeks beginning to blush. He never liked how other people's skins felt on him. He was not used to people touching him. Jimi wondered if the attendant was going to guide him out of the plane. He wondered if the older flight attendants told her to do it, as a joke.

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