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!Trigger Warning! implied and „picture" of abuse and injuries

Okay, sorry, bro. I really tried to ignore it but you are only looking at your phone and you have got rings under your eyes even though you go to sleep at 8:25. You can talk to me, man!", Kirishima said with worry in his voice.
Bakugou hated that voice and he wasn't really listening. In class, he kept on his mask. But during lunch or training or studying, he just couldn't. He was too tired.
People noticed. Shitty hair did, Phone charger, and Raccoon eyes too. They had been talking about him. He knew that.
"Yeah man, thanks. But I'm totally fine.", Bakugou answered head still buried in his phone.
He was researching insomnia and its causes.
Sero, Kirishima, Denki, and Mina exchanged looks. At first, their friend had seemed fine after his return but got stranger every day.

Oiiii, I did some research on insomnia and well
what exactly caused yours?

Nervously Bakugo was waiting for an answer. That was a fucking personal question and snowflake liked to escape those. So the boy just decided to go head in. Insomnia was often compared with a mental disorder. Like depression or something like that.

from "burned_snowflake"
Well, let's say I didn't
have the best childhood
and stuff I guess it comes from that.

Wait a second. I'll go somewhere more private to text.

Bakugou suddenly stood up and nearly knocked on the table. "I'll go to my room. I'm done with the homework anyway."
"Heyyyy, you said you d help me! Denki insisted.
"Yeah, sorry. I'll help you tomorrow", Bakugo said and left the room.

"In the last 10 minutes he said sorry twice and normally he would say: I won't help you fucking idiot. not my problem is you are too stupid, Sero impersonated Bakugou quite well.
"Right... something is very wrong. I'm worried", Denki added.
"Me too and he just won't talk.", Kirishima said while watching the door, "I thought when we all would stay at the dorms at the weekend he maybe would... I don't know.
" You know maybe it's nothing bad. maybe he got a girlfriend or something and he chats with her", Mina tried to cheer them up.

Bakugou met no one in the corridors. No wonder nearly everyone was home for the long weekend. His friends didn't go home. He was feeling guilty. it was because of him they didn't see their families, but why would they do that for him. He always was a burden to people.
Arrived in his room bakugou flung himself on the bed and continued texting.

from "burned_snowflake"
Who is with you?

let's call them friends.

from "burned_snowflake"
No, don't do that.
Spend time with your friends.
That is good for you.
And don't blow them off for me.
I'm not worth it.

I left already anyways
and you are definitely worth it.

Did he just really text that? that sounded fucking cheesy. Bakugo had never said or texted anyone anything like that.

I know it seems like I'm a freaking fucking
stalker nerd but what happened in your childhood?
Something with your family?
You said your fater was strict.

from "burned_snowflake"
I really shouldn't tell you.
He doesn't like it when
I talk about family

By he, you mean your dad?

from "burned_snowflake"
yes. he's a hero and he just wants me to be the best.
For that he pretty much did everything...

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