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Bakugou had slept three hours. It was nine. Normally he would never get up this late. When he entered the kitchen his friends were eating breakfast. The conversation had gone silent the second Bakugou walked into the room. They wanted an explanation. But he couldn't give them one. so the blonde boy just went to the coffee machine.
He could feel the stares at his back and that they exchanged worried looks.
Why were they worried about him?
He was an asshole. All the time. Even to them. Why did they care?
He was weak. He wasn't the best anymore and still, they didn't abandon him.
As Bakugou wanted to leave again Kirishima cleared his through: "Hey Bakugou, about last night..."
"Shut up! I don't want to hear a fukcing word. Just forget it! It's none of your business!", Bakugou interrupted him.
"But something is wrong please...", Mina stared.
"I said shut it! Forget what happened!", now Bakugou was yelling and turned to the door. He knew he couldn't look good. His eyes were swollen for sure and he must have huge rings under his eyes.
"Okay, when you want that", Deniki said.
He sounded so sad. Bakugou was a little shocked by the hurt in his voice.
"Whatever", Bakugou said and practically stormed out of the room.
He was so horrible. He just hurt everyone he touched. So useless. God Bakugou just wanted to cry again...

During the day more and more students came home from their weekends with the family. There was more life in the dorms. Bakugou was thankful for that. Less focus on him. Although he noticed the quick glances from the tape guy, raccoon eyes, phone charger, and mostly shitty hair.
Deku came back too. He seemed so happy and everybody loved him.
Everyone except Bakugou himself of course. That guy had irritated him since they were children. He was so ... good. He had helped him when he fell off the bridge. Even though that stupid Deku was so helpless himself.
How could someone so weak want to help Bakugou?
Back then Bakugou had seen himself as strong. As perfect a wonder child.
Now it was different. Deku was superior to him. He always had been.
He had forgiven bakugou for making his childhood a living hell even though he never said he was sorry. All the teachers especially all might love Deku and their entire class loved him too. Bakugou was so far behind him and he had never seen it. Physical strength means practically nothing and can be achieved by anyone with some training.
But being like Deku was special.
That bakugou noticed he had been staring at Deku for good two minutes.
How pathetic was he? He was envying Deku. he was admiring him. And now Deku had seen his gaze and smiled at Bakugou. That made him furious and he yelled something before storming out of the room.

Stupid Deku. stupid, stupid, stupid Deku. Bagugou went on in his head while storming along the corridors.
Then suddenly a hit on his right shoulder and he was sitting on the floor.
"Shit sorry", Bakugou said while looking up and in shock seeing icy-hot on the floor. Bakugous heart stopped for a second. A few months ago he has had a crush on icy-hot. It was purely physical. That guy's personality drove Bakugou mad. that boy's body did the same to him but in a very different way.
He never really saw Icyhot in the changing room or something. Icy hot never changed there for some reason but even in normal clothes, that guy looked amazing.
Icy hot was just sitting there the books he had been carrying on the floor and in his black turtle neck looking hot.
Standing up bakugou looked at the pretty boy's face and he froze again. It was full of pain. They hadn't crashed that hard.
Icy hot was holding his arm and quickly hide his face again behind the multicolored hair.
"Oi Icyhot you okay?", Bakugou said while kneeling down again to have a better look at todoroki.
"Yeah, sure I'm fine. don't bother", icy-hot answered still hiding his face and starting to pick up his books.
Without any thinking, Bakugou stretched out his hand and gently grabbed todorokies chin forcing the other boy to look at him.
They stared at each other. Bakugous hand still at icy hots cheek. Bakugou noticed the rings under todorokies eyes and in those two beautiful eyes, he saw pain.

Then Bakugou found his logical thinking again and blushed. God, how must that look? His hand on Icyhot's cheek like that and himself kneeling over the other boy in a dark corridor.
Bakugou jumped up and staggered backward still starring in todoroki's eye. The other boy now looked up to him. more in shock of the absolutely wired thing that just happened.
"Ähhhmm...", Icyhot started.
"F-fuck of! Look be-better where you are g-going you piece of shit.", Bakugou squished out in a very unconvincing angry voice and stormed of leafing todoroki sitting on the ground.

OH MY FUCKING GOD! What the hell was wrong with him. He had been over that stupid crush. And even why would he be worried about that bastard. But he was sure todorkoki had been in pain. more than that little collision had caused. And he had looked so tired.No no no bakugou slapped himself. He shouldn't think about icy-hot. About his muscular arms and the rock-hard chest and... no!
He had Snowflake now... wait! He didn't have Snowflake. Why would he think something like that? WTF... god something had to be wrong with him?
He had to distract himself. He should do homework.
At nine he tried to sleep but he hadn't gotten any messages from snowflake today except for the assurance that snowflake was at school again. Maybe he had stuff to do. Bakugou was so tired he fell asleep pretty fast although he knew it wouldn't last long.
Around 3 am he woke up from a nightmare. He cried for a good hour he just couldn't help it. He couldn't take this anymore.
Waking up every night feeling helpless.
feeling horrible about himself. Sometimes so bad he wanted to die...
but he couldn't he had to make it up everything he had done. His betrayal and that all might lost his power because of him.
Maybe he was awake? maybe he could talk to snowflake. To a stranger, he has never seen but felt closer to that to anyone in his life.
Someone, he felt comfortable talking to.

Oi, you awake?

from "burned_snowflake"
Yes. sure I am...

yeah right

from "burned_snowflake"
you had a nightmare

yes, and I can't do this anymore.
I just have to talk to someone!

from "burned_snowflake"
you can always talk to me.
You helped me too and worried about me.
I care about you and now that I'm not home I am so much better. you can talk to me about everything.

you have to promise me something.

from "burned_snowflake"
Yes, sure!

Don't google the story
or you'll find out who I am.

Even though the press never gave out his name. He was sure snowflake would find out.

from "burned_snowflake"
I promise!

thank you
so I'm gonna tell you the whole story and in the end, you will probably hate me

from "burned_snowflake"
what? I could never do that.

Maybe... but right now you are the
the only friend I have
and I can't lose you.

from "burned_snowflake"
I promise it doesn't matter
what you say or what you have done
I won't leave you.

Thank you
So... I told you I got caught up in a villain attack...

from "burned_snowflake"

That isn't everything... I got kidnapped...
By the league of villains. They took me...and I couldn't lift a finger...
they wanted me to join them at first I said no but then they...
they touched me.
You have to understand!
It was horrible
I just wanted it to stop. I would have done everything and I said yes... and I meant it.
I would have done everything.
Then some heroes came to save me even some classmates.
But one of the heroes lost his powers in the fight. Because of me
after I threw away everything he believed in.
All because of me
You must hate me now.

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