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Summary: Tororoki woke up and took some pain killers along with some Whiskey.
He went back to school with more Whiskey and all the pills he could find.
He took them in the hope they would kill him.
They let a few students see Bakugou and the only word he could say was: „Shoto"
Kirishima and Midorya found Todoroki in his room drunk and half dead. On their way to Bakugou Todoroki broke down.

And sorry If the next chapter isn't medically correct.

They weren't back yet. Had they called Todoroki? He didn't pick up. Maybe they were on the way to his house. Bakugou didn't want to think about how they would finde Todorokis body. He was dead. he must be. And it was all Bakugous fault.
The blonde boy could barely move. Everything was frozen. Maybe he was in shock. But his head felt so slow. He couldn't move or speak. What had they given him? He didn't know.

Then in the hallway was a loud sound like something heavy had dropped to the floor.
Aizawa stood up and left the room to find out what was going on.
He didn't care. Nothing matters. Shoto was most probably dead. Everything could have been so perfect if Bakugou just hadn't been such a fucking idiot.
Todoroki had been the most beautiful person he had ever seen and over the chat, he got to know him like he never could have in real life because Bakugou had been too proud. Too blind. Too stupid.

After a while, everyone else had left only Bakugou and his parents were in the room. He could speak better now. His head had gotten clearer.
"Kats...", his father started but got interrupted by his wife: "Why? Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell the police what happened?"
The tone of her voice made Bakugou lookup. It was shacky and on the edge of breaking.
She didn't look at him. She was crying.
Bakugou had never seen his mother cry. Most of the time she was happy or angry but never sad.
"Mizuki doesn't push him right...", his father tried to calm down his wife but failed again.
"I thought we were a team and they did so horrible thing to my baby and you didn't even tell us", she was looking at him now. This was way worse. The eyes he had from her stared at him with so much hurt. So much pain.

"I didn't want you to think I was weak", Bakugou whispered more to himself than to his parents who had gone silent now.
Suddenly hands appeared on both of his arms. His father turned him around so that he had to face him head-on.
"Katsuki, look at me", the man demanded and Bakugou did as he was told," We would never think that. You can tell us anything. Katsuki, we love you!"
And then his father hugged him. Bakugou didn't remember the last time someone had hugged him. But it was good. It felt safe. His mother flung her arms around both of them hugging them tightly.
Bakugou struggled himself out of the hug. Knowing he didn't deserve it. Hiding his face. Now he was crying.

"You guys don't understand...", he said in tears," I said yes! After I said yes. I would have done anything to make it stop. I betrayed All might and he lost his powers because of me. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted them to stop. I said yes and I meant it."

His parents exchanged a look. it was his mother's turn turn to speak:" Katsuki... they touched you. anyone would have said yes. Believe me. And All might lost his powers, yes, but he defeated a very powerful villain and no one would ever blame you. "
Bakugou nodded and lay down again. He was so tired. And everything started to float around in his head. His parents sat down on their chairs and there were a few minutes of comfortable silence.
Then he fell asleep again.

„Oh fuck, Todoroki", Kirishima screamed kneeling. Deku was holding Todorkis's head in his hands and desperately trying to wake him up.
"What's wrong with him? You don't think he really was drunk?", Midorya asked panicking. .
"Well... he smells like it."
Bakugous door opened and closed.
"What the hell are you two... is that Todoroki?", Aizawa asked rushing towards them.
" Wait... that smell... is that alcohol?"
"We found him in his room with a Whiskey bottle and while running here he just fainted", Modorya explained.
Aizawa quickly picked Todoroki up and hurried to the recovery gilrs office followed by Kirishima and Midori.

"Mr. Aizawa, you can't just... who is that? did he get hurt during training?", recovery girl asked suddenly in a professional manner when Aizawa lay Todoroki down on the empty bed.
"We don't know but he must have been drinking quite a bit and...", Aizawa never got to finish that sentence because Todoroki suddenly started choking and spitting up blood and vomit.
"Hold him to the sides", the recovery girl ordered while running towards her medicine cabinet. Midorya and Kirishima rushed forwards to help Aizawa holt the choking and trembling Todoroki. The boy continued to spit up alcohol mixed with blood and ...pills...Lots of them.

"Hold him still!", recovery girl demanded while running towards them. Then she trusted something down Todorokis throat which just made the boy throw up more pills and blood.
"What is this you are just making it worse!", Midoria squeaked in fear.
"Yes! he has to get it all out!", recovery girl said loudly, " with that many pills and alcohol it is likely that it would kill him."

After what seemed an eternity Todorokies breath got state and they let go of him. The floor and their clothes were covered in blood.

"What the hell was that? why would he swallow so many pills", Kirishima asked stepping back attempting to wash his hands.
No one answered but the recovery girl started to cut open Todorokis shirt to look for injuries and they all gasped at what they saw. The boy's body was painted in green violet and burned red. There were even things that looked like cuts that had been stitched together.
They all stood there in shock while recovery girl started to heal what she could.

Midorias's voice was shaking:" He went home this weekend you don't think that..."
"...his father did that?", Kirishima ended the sentence looking at the burns of fire that had ripped off the flesh.
"We must think that", Aizawa said in a voice that not even tried to hide the anger.
They watched again for a while how the cuts and burns and bruises got smaller as recovery girl healed Todorokis body.

After she was finished she turned to them tears in her eyes":" It's not just the beating. That amount of pills he swallowed along with the alcohol would have killed him. He must have known that!", She looked at the boy.
All of them went silent not wanting to say what they were all thinking. Kirishima couldn't believe it. Why hadn't Todoroki tried to get help? Just like Bakugou. How would any of them become heroes when they couldn't even help their classmates?
Wait... Mina had said that Bakugou had his mental breakdown when he had heard that Todoroki went home. Did bakugou know anything about Todoroki's home life? Did he know Todoroki would try to...
"He tried to kill himself, didn't he?, memory. half asked half said it because someone had to and tears were rolling down the green-haired boy's face.
"Yes", was the only word recovery girl was still able to say. She was a thought lady but this.
The silence in the room quickly became unbearable.
"If we had found him any later...", Kirishima pressed through his lips holding back tears.
"Let's not think about that", Aizawa decided, " I will go and look what we can do about his father. You go and inform the people you think should know about this. I'll leave that to you."
The three males left the room and Kairishima and Midorya decided to tell Bakugou

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