Chapter 3 - Raven

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Raven observed the barn with interest. Starlight always taught him observation. Remember, look at the small details. That's what's important. The obvious can wait. Raven's thin pupils studied the barn's straw. It rustled as a cat appeared from underneath. Raven turned his head to the entrance of the barn. Scorpion and Viper came back; Viper with a new scar across her red eye. Raven shuddered at the sight. His ears flattened across his head. He crawled into the shadows, Forest and Woods grinning at him. "Well isn't it the lowly Raven. You should hang your head lower to show your pride to be a BloodClan cat."
Raven did a low growl. "Maybe you should, piece of fox-dung," spat Raven.
The two cats glanced at each other, and then both cats came in on Raven, both towering over him. Although Raven was taller then the two of them, he felt their power shrinking in on him. A technique the two brothers did to make sure the lower cats would show them respect. Typical. "Maybe you shouldn't speak to your superiors in such a rude manner," they snarled.
Raven glanced at Scorpion and Viper, both watching, The rest of the clan was also watching, but did low whispers to each other. Woods sneered,"Keep your attention on us you low life! You have no room to stare at them! You still haven't learned your lesson!"
Raven took a step back, only to feel his paw touch the wall. He was surrounded. "What you gonna do now, fox-dung?" the brothers said together, giving him an evil stare in their dark eyes.
The brothers turned their focus on the one who yowled. The whole clan stared in astonishment. Viper. She was standing tall, showing her superiorness off. The first time she has done so as well. "If you two haven't noticed, picking on someone lower then you is very low, not to mention someone in your own clan!"
Forest growled lowly, "Raven being saved by a kitten, how cute."
Woods gave a dark sneer that made Raven shrink lower. "No one dares to call the apprentice of the leader, a kitten!" snarled Viper. Her lip was curled back. "Maybe you two should be taught your lesson!"
Viper stormed to them, claws out, and slashed at the brothers ears. They both yowled with a growl mixed in, and lowered their heads. "Sorry to disappoint you, Viper," whimpered Woods.
While they continued, Raven crept in the shadows, slowly but surely. While the clan was distracted he could get away. It was the best time, Starlight had said. Of course, the only one who noticed him leave was Starlight. Her eyes showed wisdom. She gave off a smile. While Viper slashed at Forest, Raven crept off closer and closer to the entrance. Some eyes caught him. None made a move. Once a few tail lengths away from the open doors, Raven bolted. His long legs flashed, and his tail bounced behind him. They could kill him... If they ever found him.
In the darkness of the night, Raven blindly ran, running, running. His long legs were useful, and he was glad he had them. His glowing yellow eyes was all anyone would be able to see, while his black coat was impossible to see. His paw hit a large root, and his whole body came over his head, and he tumbled down the hill, leaves gathering in his fur. He found a place to put his claws and he dug them into the ground. He slowed to a stop. Panting, he was in a marshy land with pine trees. ShadowClan. With the sunset low, the whole clan was most likely awake. Raven did a low stride, eyes narrow and ready for anything.
Cats in BloodClan always called him a good for nothing cat. He was a terrible hunter, and din't like to fight. Yes, Starlight was his mentor. The clan thought she was teaching him herbs. That is only partially true. She taught him so much more, and so much that can be used. They just can't see it. Scorpion, to the clan, is the most powerful cat with no weakness. He can be fast, but not fast enough. He can be sloppy at times when fighting, and does never plan what his next move will be. He always attacks first. What Scorpion doesn't know is that making the first move isn't always the best move to make.
Raven's ears flattened. He had to put up a huge act to fear all of the warriors of BloodClan, when really, he's afraid as well. Scorpion is afraid of the whole clan outnumbering him, and making someone a else leader. That is his worst fear. To be replaced. The entire clan is afraid of Scorpion, and if they don't do what he says, he'll kill them. Which is probably true. They're all cowards, thought Raven. But then again... maybe I'm the biggest coward for running away.
Raven continued to trot at the edge of the border, trailing and trailing on. There is no going back. Raven went out of ShadowClan territory and went aimlessly around, going nowhere in particular. He found himself in a deeper forest, where moonlight seeped in. The moon was almost full. Tomorrow night would be the clan's gathering. Raven was always curious for what they did and said. It was time to get answers. Raven went over to a group of bushes and curled in a ball, shuddering as a blow of wind rustled his whiskers. Tomorrow will be better.

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