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The doctor said " Hello, Susie and...Ralsei? I am Dr Butternut and I have come to tell you the results. Your friend is stable but very injured. They need to be hospitalized for another few days. They must not be stressed out or they'll have a seizure. Come visit but be quiet".

Susie urged Ralsei to follow and they entered the room with a 31 sign.

Ralsei opened the door and saw Kris in a bed and covered in blood stains. They were awake but barely concious.

Susie sat beside them, followed by Ralsei, and softly said " Kris. How are you feeling?".

They turned their head and winced. Susie stammered " Don't get up, just relax. I take it your feeling better?".

Kris nodded and a single tear rolled down their face. Ralsei gasped. Kris cried " I'm sorry. I just... I've had enough of this".

Susie asked " Could you explain?".

Kris cried " I'm sorry. Every night I am Possessed and I - I rip my soul out and I didn't mean to but I-".

Ralsei gasped " Kris calm down! Your gonna pass out-".

But it was too late, Kris passed out.

Susie gasped but nodded at Ralsei. Susie kissed them on the head and Ralsei cast a spell.

* Ralsei cast pain reliever*

Then the two left Kris, Susie went home and informed Toriel of what was going on.

Toriel cried " Kris! Is Kris gonna be ok?".

Susie nodded " They are in another town, but they will probably be released soon".

Toriel nodded and concluded " Thanks...?".

Susie smiled " Susie".

And she left and went home, only to meet an angry father.

" Susie you've been gone the whole day and I haven't even eaten my dinner! It's freaking nearly 6. Cook some dinner now and you might just avoid punishment".

Susie sighed " Ok".
When will she get a break from her annoying father. He always demanded that and this. It drove her insane.

Susie grabbed some pasta from the pantry and sauce from the fridge. She mixed it and shoved it in the pan. Susie also made him some toast because he would say ' more food'.
Susie quickly gulped down a sandwich and brought her dad's dinner to him. " Hope you like it".

Her dad tasted it and said " Hmmm. Satisfactory. You can go now".

Susie went into her room and pulled out her phone.

1 new message from Dad.

Susie grunted and turned her phone off. She fell asleep and before she knew it, it was morning.

She checked her phone.


Shit! School starts in 10 minutes. Susie changed her clothes, ate a piece of bread and rushed outside.

She ran fast and made it. She checked her phone again


Susie quickly headed to the closet door and went in.

She landed on the floor and called out " Ralsei? Where are you?".

Soon enough, a familiar little goat arrived " Hi Susie, Kris is here now. Just be careful".

Kris started crying " Susie. I'm sorry".

Susie knelt down to their height " Hey. It's alright. Your here now. Just don't do that again. Let's talk".

So the trio sat in Ralsei's living room, with cake and coffee and Kris explained everything. From their possession to their depression to their self harm and so on.

When they finished, Ralsei was crying " I'm so sorry Kris! We'll always be here".

Kris smiled, something that the others haven't seen in forever.

Susie grinned " Hey Kris, come 'ere".
Susie pulled the small child up and kissed them.

They tasted like... pie and cookies.

Kris kissed her back and they made out. Ralsei just left the room saying something about privacy.

When they broke apart Kris gasped "".

Susie responded " I love you too Kris".

They, hand in hand, walked back home and met Toriel.

She screamed " Kris! Your back! Thank gosh!".

She handed Kris a whole pie and they ate it mostly. They handed a huge piece to Susie and she ate it.

Toriel said " Hello Susie again".

Susie blushed " Uh. Miss Dremmur, Kris and I are a thing".

Toriel cried " Aw~ I'm so happy for you two".

Susie asked " Um. Do you mind if I stay here permanently, my Dad is annoying".

Toriel sighed " Aren't they all? Yeah, your free to stay.. I'm sure Kris w-".

Before Susie or Toriel could move, Kris hugged Susie " Yay!".

Susie chuckled " Heh. Cute little nerd".

Susie texted her Dad .

S: Dad I'm done. I'm moving to my friend's house. You can live yourself.
D: Oh. How sweet. Of course sweetie. I've already married another woman.
S : Wtf?
D : Yep. Don't worry, I don't need you
S : Pfft. Whatever. Bye dickhead
D : Bye little bitch

And so they never talked again.

Susie deleted her Dad's contact and Kris led her to their room.

Susie got the beautiful side but when she looked at Kris's side, she frowned.

That's just sad.

They hung out till 10pm. They finally went to bed.

After an hour of not sleeping, Kris asked " Susie...can you sleep with me please~".

Susie grinned " Sure. My little bean".

Susie got in and wrapped her arms around Kris's tiny body.

They fell asleep in minutes. Susie smiled and fell asleep too.

What a day huh?

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