The lost girl

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Haven Raine and her father had recently discussed that she felt very out of place at her "muggle school" and finally came to the decision to transfer to hogwarts. Her father had always told her when she felt out of place ( which he knew would eventually happen considering she was a witch.) That he would send her too hogwarts.


"Dad i'm nervous what if i'm not sorted into the same house you were, what if everyone hates me, what if the teachers ha-" "my love calm down everyone knew you'd come to hogwarts eventually, you're my daughter after
all." her father is the potions professor at hogwarts, therefore everyone already knew she was going to join him at hogwarts. she sighed " i'm well aware, but still i'm nervous" she said clearly very worried " if you don't stop worrying so much you're going to miss your train, get your things we leave in 10 minutes, oh and eat something you look a bit pale" he said with a slight laugh, but haven couldn't eat she could barely breath.

Haven and her father got to the train where she had to board but they didn't have to say goodbye she'd see him everyday at school "go make new friends my haven" she smiled wide, her father has called her that since she was born her mother always enjoyed the bond they had. Her mother, she almost forgot her mother wouldn't be there to tell her goodbye, to tell her to write everyday. A tear touched her porcelain skin. "are you okay?" a curly headed girl said with a worried expression. "oh, sorry yes i'm fine" haven said hoping this sweet girl couldn't read her mind "the first days always the hardest but i wouldn't worry too much" the curly headed girl outstretched her arm "i'm hermione, hermione granger" a name haven hadn't heard before "nice to meet you i'm Haven Dolohov" she said with a smile "oh, you're professor dolohovs daughter, we've heard a lot about you" "we?" haven spoke "oh yes me and my friends, come join us." Haven followed hermione through the train "this is ronald weasley" haven almost laughed at the boys name, she's heard of the weasleys. " And this is Harry Potter." Haven studied the boy she saw herself in him, she knew he had felt loss as well " lovely to meet you guys" Haven said. Harry spoke "likewise" he gave her a small nod. All of a sudden Haven was pulled down into a seat to join hermione and her friends.

   Haven and her new found friends had talked for what felt like only minutes, but next thing she knew they arrived at hogwarts.  Haven gathered her things, her father was waiting for her so he could escort her into the school. Haven gasped seeing how beautiful the place was, candles were floating, people were laughing, she even saw pictures moving, it was indeed magical. " alright 1st years gather up and you will be sorted into your houses" Haven looked at her father, she was confused because she would be coming in as a 6th year. He nodded and she gathered with the younger students. Haven could feel eyes on her as her name was called " Haven Raine Dolohov " Haven was conflicted about what house she wanted to be sorted in, she had just spent hours talking to her new gryffindor friends. "Hmmmm" the sorting hat spoke " Loyal, ambitious... very interesting, many possibilities, ravenclaw? a secret spark i see for hufflepuff, slytherin would make your father proud, hmmm what to do what to do" there was a pause in the room, a silence filled the great hall " get on with it a boy in the crowd yelled out "well i see.... SLYTHERIN" Haven was slightly disappointed, but that thought left her mind as the slytherin table cheered louder than ever. Haven walked over to her table nervously " at least she's not a mud blood " a girl spoke. Haven knew what they were she always thought it was a cruel word. "come sit down here dolohov" a dark haired girl spoke "i'm pansy, pansy parkinson" haven went to speak "i'm h-" "i know professor speaks highly of you" pansy interrupted.

Haven sat and thought to herself, " i don't belong here" haven quietly spoke

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