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Haven had finished her classes for the day she was having a chat with her father when she saw his newspaper, that's where she had heard of harry potter. He was the boy who lived. She pushed him out of her mind long enough to head to the dinning hall when she bumped into him. "oh i'm so sorry harry" Haven said. Harry just laughed. " that's quite alright Haven." Haven walked past thinking of everything this poor boy had to go through. Haven sat at her slytherin table, she wasn't actually as hungry as she thought. "why were you talking to potter?" a voice called " what?" Haven said. It was blaise, pansy had told her about him. Blaise interrupted her thought "why were you talking to harry potter dolohov?" he said as if her last name was a horrible taste. "Oh i bumped into him on the way in here, that's all" pansy grabbed her arm. "Haven let me do your makeup later, we can gossip without these boys around" she said glaring at the blaise. "yes that would be fun" Haven said feeling a bit uncomfortable. " speaking of boys, who do you fancy Haven?" She hadn't even thought of it really until she finally looked up and saw that blond haired boy who had a certain sadness about him." yeah haven who" pansy said. "no one guys i haven't been here that long" Haven laughed. Draco looked up as if amazed at the sound of her laughter.

Haven and pansy were in their dorm talking and gossiping, doing makeup and stuffing their faces with sweets. Haven hadn't felt so happy in a while, it was a breath of fresh air to her.

Haven had been trying to sleep for the past hour and finally decided to head into the common room. She grabbed her favorite blanket and a book and headed to sit near the fire place. She had only been there for a few minutes when she heard the common room door open. she flung her head around, it was Draco. He came and sat on the opposite sofa. "why are you up so late?" he muttered. "couldnt sleep." Haven said, still confused as to why he was wondering the halls. She looked at him, his eyes were dark, he clearly wasn't sleeping, but she wasn't going to pry. "does it scare you?" he asked out of the blue. " what?" Haven spoke "the fact that you know who is alive." he said knowing she had overheard her uncle's conversations. " yes." she spoke, draco followed. " me too." he said. Haven found herself worried about him. "you know, you could talk to me about it." why would I want to do that?" he snapped. " because clearly, we know things we shouldn't and keeping it inside could tear us apart." he looked at her with soft eyes, he didn't know what she was doing to him, but he didn't want her to stop. "Haven?" he spoke softly, she looked at him with tired eyes, she didn't want to leave him alone. " you should get some sleep"  he said.  " I think i might sleep out here, it's peaceful."

and with that they sat in silence not knowing what was to come. For them or hogwarts.

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