Chapter 2

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Nico woke up from a dreamless sleep with what felt like no memory. He couldn't remember falling asleep or anything that had happened before. While he slowly took back the information he had lost, he realized one very, very important thing.

He was starving.

His eyes flew open and his stomach growled and for a second all he could see was white. Nico's vision focused, but not on a reasonable scene.

"Um, excuse me?" He said uncertainly, nudging the sleeping figure that was sprawled inside the small chair by his bed. Will groaned, moved a little and fell to the floor in a heap.

"Will, what are you doing?" Nico asked in a accusing tone.

The heap shifted and a tired voice responded, "Sleeping."

"In my chair?"

Will didn't respond, instead he tried to get up by pulling himself up with the patient bed. He tugged on the covers but only succeeded in pulling them and Nico off the bed. The pale boy landed on top of Will and groaned.


In a flash Will was wide awake. He picked Nico up bride style and place him back on the bed. He did a ultra quick checkup and had Nico tucked back in in only a few seconds.

Will watched Nico for a few seconds before blinking and saying, "You're awake."

Nico pushed himself into a sitting position with a slight groan and replied. "I am now." Will blinked again and then grabbed Nico in a hug. It was short, but Nico freaked out. Once again he was ready to remind Will about his discomfort to being touched, but the boy was speaking.

"It's been two days! I can't believe you're finally awake. Man I was so bored while you were sleeping. You were barely conscious for 20 minutes in my company before you were gone again." Will said this pretty fast, but Nico understood perfectly.

"Two days?! I slept for two days? Again?" He sighed and fell back against his pillows. "No wonder I'm starved." he mumbled, but Will heard.

"I'll get you some breakfast." he replied, but he didn't sound awake anymore. Will's eyelids drooped and he shuffled to the kitchens to prepare a meal. Nico started to get out of the bed at the sound of bacon being cooked, but found he was stiff from sleep. When he was finally able to make it to the table, the meat was already cooked.

"You are truly one of my toughest patients, Death Boy. Most guys come in here with a scratch fom a hell hound and say they are mortally wounded. You nearly die and still don't come in." He placed a plate in front of Nico filled with toast, bacon, an egg, and some potatoes. Nico started eating immediately and only hesitated from stuffing his mouth when Will dropped his head on the table with a thump.

"I am so tired." he mumbled.

Nico swallowed and asked, "Yeah, um, I have a question. Why were you sleeping in my chair?"

Will slowly lifted his head and said, "Have you ever had a triple shift with only two meals? I didn't think so. I think I deserve a little nap." He collapsed on the table again and Nico stood up. A few minutes later he set a plate next to Will's face and then continued to scarf down his own.

Without thinking he said, "Eat up, Sunshine. You need it more than me." Then Will smiled and Nico grinned, happily oblivious to his own feelings.

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