Chapter 7

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its been 7 months since louis found out he was pregnant and has been the happiest he as ever been louis make up line continues to sell out and has new followers and louis still does make up tutorials but makes sure to film his upper body only in case harry sees his videos and is also the most requested make up artist and louis is enjoying his success and has decided to take a few months off when he has the baby

"mom" louis says


"i am starving" louis says as he goes into the kitchen and makes himself something to eat "mom i was thinking"

"ohh boy this is going to be dangerous" jay says laughing

"i think i want to buy a condo somewhere close i mean we wont have room for the baby when booboo gets here" louis says

"i really dont want you too but i understand" jays says

"but i want to wait until after i have the baby" louis says

"ok well come on you are over due and i want to know if i am having a grandson or grandaughter" jay says

"me too" louis says as they walk out of the house and go to the doctors office and louis checks in

"hello louis how are you feeling" the doctor asks

"so ready to be able to tie my own shoes again" louis says

"well if the baby doesnt come in the next 2 days we are going to induce" the doctor says

"ok but can we try one more time to see the gender" louis asks

"of course lay down" the doctor says as he puts the gel on louis and she moves the wand around "hmmm nope this little one is not going to show us"

"ughg why me" louis says as he starts to laugh

"well if you dont go into labor in 2 days we are going to induce this little one is done baking" the doctor says

"ok thank you" louis says as he sits up and jay helps him off the table "umm doc"

"yeah" the doctor says

"umm i think my water broke" louis says as he looks at the floor full of fluid

"umm i think you are dont move we need to get you to the hospital" the doctor says as she pushes a button "are you having any pains"

"umm just small ones nothing to major" louis says as he starts to rub the side of his belly" please baby dont come out yet wait until we get to the hospital and i can have some drugs"

"dont get your hopes up" the doctor says as 2 paramedics walk in the door and louis gets on the stretcher and they put him in the back of the ambulance and jay follows behind the ambulance and calls anne

"jay" anne says

"hey umm louis water broke at the doctors office and we are on the way to the hospital can you call liam and niall i have to go we just got here" jay says

"umm yeah i am on my way" anne says as she hangs up and starts to get her shoes on

"mom" harry yells out as he walks in the door and anne walks down the stair

"son how have you been" anne says

"good started recording" harry says

"i know how far are you" anne says

"we have 4 songs where are you going" harry asks

"ohh just going to have coffee with friends" anne says " but i can be late"

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