Chapter 9

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"an next we have a good friend of mine who got himself into a little trouble and is here to clear up all rumors" jame says as the audience starts to clap and scream "here is none other than Harry Styles"  and harry walks thru the curtains and waves at the audience as he sits on the sofa "so how have you been"

"good ready to go back into the studio and start to record" harry says

"well enough small talk lets get right into business" james says as he starts to laugh

"fine" harry says groans out

"so can you tell us how all this mess started" james says

"i need to start from the begining" harry says as he takes a deep breath and starts to tell james bout him and louis and everything else about them

"harry" james yells out in shock" how could you have said that i cant believe you"

"i know i am  sorry" harry says as the tears fall "i was cheating on louis and i guess thats how i wanted to justify it but when he walked in  when i was talking to my manager i knew just how much damage i had cause"

"so did you talk to louis after that"

"no he wanted nothing to do with me i went to his house  that afternoon and his mom was so angry at me that i did that to louis that she punched me and i have to tell you she is about 5 feet 5 and man she punches hard but i deserve it i am sure any parent would probably do the same"  harry says

"i want to punch you now" james says  as harry continues and tellls james about the parking lot and kendal and how louis told him about his son "wow and louis is letting you have a relationship  with your son"

"yeah when i met my son i just felt this overwhelming love for him and i understood why louis mom wanted to protect her son its how i want to protect my son" harry says "everything all this that is happening is because i was selfish i trusted the wrong people where liam and everyone on my team always protected me  but i got to caught up with what people were telling me and look people knowing my business this is embarrassing to me but i take blame for everything its no ones fault but mine" harry says

"well that is big of you but what did you really think when louis told you about the baby" james says

"i thought it was a joke until i looked at him and let me tell you i felt like a whole new level of low" harry say

"and what was it like when you met him, he is 6 months old" james says

"yes he is 6 months born on my birthday" harry says proudly "he is amazing i swear i cant get enough of him"

"and you are going to share a few pictures of your son" james says

"yeah louis agreed to share a few pictures" harry says

"ok so what is your sons name" james asks

"kash edward styles" harry says proudly as the pictures of the baby show on the screen

"wow he looks identical to you even that dimple and those green eyes" james says

"but man does he have an attitude" harry says laughing


"yeah the other day i was laying him in top of me as i was talking to him and he started to bable i dont know what he was saying probably calling me stupid or something and i told him booboo which is what louis has called him since he was born, can you please not interrupt me i am not done" harry says laughing

"and what did he do"

"he started babbling louder and then he started screaming i guess his way of telling me you dont tell me what to do" harry says laughing "i stood up with him and started to sing to him and he fell asleep in my arms and it was the most amazing feeling in the world and then i made the stupid mistake to put him down and well he wasnt having it"

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