Tagged by Mixer_Moon

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Okay, let's see... OH by the way the freeloaders are off for now. This is ACTUALLY Crys this time.

Let's Do This!

(1) Which Pokémon character are you most like? {Crystal.}

(2) Trainer, coordinator, performer, or professor? {Professor, but Trainer sounds nice.}

(3) If you could take an adventure through a region, which one would you choose? {Huh... Actually, that's a hard question. It's more of asking "Which region would you want to revisit?" but I think I'd say Kalos. It's nice there.}

(4) Which starter (from any region) would you choose? {Chikorita!}

(5) Which Pokémon would you choose to be your partner? {Like Moon said, could I use my original team? They are Meganium, Smoochum, Arcanine, Parasect, Xatu, Cubone, and Hitmonchan (I switch them around)}

(6) Which two Pokémon characters would you want to travel with? {Silver and Emerald. Gold and I would quibble and Gold and Emerald would probably scheme something.}

(7) If you could battle one Pokémon character, who would you want to? {Silver.}

(8) If you were a Gym Leader, which type would you specialize in? {Hmmm... Grass?}

(9) Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, or Dynamax/Gigantamax? {Mega Evolution I guess? I can't do any.}

(10) As many victims as you want :^) @DexH0lderYellow 

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