Tagged by Moon. Again.

39 2 7

Fears, huh? Fine.

[] The dark
[] Staying single forever
[] Being a parent
[] Giving birth
[] Open spaces
[]Closed spaces
[] Heights
[] Dogs
[] Birds
[] Fish
[] Spiders
[] Flowers or other plants
[]Being touched
[] Deep water
[] Silk
[] The ocean
[x] Failure
[] Success
[] Thunder/lightning
[] Frogs/toads
[] My girlfriend's/boyfriend's dad
[] My girlfriend's/boyfriend's mom
[] Rats
[] Jumping from high places
[] Snow
[] Rain
[] Wind
[] Crossing hanging bridges
[] Death
[] Heaven
[] Being robbed
[x] Falling
[] Clowns
[] Dolls
[] Large crowds of people
[] Men
[] Women
[] Having great responsibilities
[] Doctors + dentists
[] Tornadoes
[] Hurricanes
[] Incurable diseases
[] Sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[] Spirits
[] Poverty
[] Halloween
[] School
[] Trains
[] Odd numbers
[] Even numbers
[x] Being alone (but like being alone for ever not just for short periods of time
[] Becoming blind
[] Becoming deaf
[]Growing up
[] Creepy noises
[] Bee stings
[x] Not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] Needles
[] Blood
[] Dinosaurs
[] The welcome mat
[] High speed
[] Throwing up
[x] Falling in love (only a lil' bit)
[] Super secrets 

I am afraid of 5 out of 72 most common fears.

I tag @Mixer_Moon @delivery-boy-Sun @DexH0lderYellow 

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