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Fantastic. Tagged by Moon again. I don't see you updating your tag book little missy. Anyways.

1) What does your username mean?

     Pretty obvious. I'm Crystal. I kick Pokéballs. That's it, entire story.

2) Why did you pick that profile picture?

     My current one? I just liked it. 

3) What's a nickname you hate? How about a nickname you like?

     A nickname I hate...? Oh, lots. (Real life: ReyRey, Rinnie, MK, Keyla, McKelya, Err, ErrErr, Bella, Bellie, Belle, Bell) Super Serious Gal (Lookin' at you, Gold), SSG, Crysyssy, Cryssy, Rys, Stal, Tal, TalTal, Wrist, Cry. Nicknames I like... Not so many, hahaha. (Real life: Mage, R****, R****y, Rey, Toxic, FluteLoops, Flutey, FluteyLoops, Other****) Crys. That's it. Caaaaaannnn be spelled Chris but that's not how you spell it. Kris? Alright, that goes. Catcher/Capturer, fine. But why. Kicks. Depends on the person. Only specific people call me that. Call me that without being one of them and I'll kick you.

4) What's the lock screen/background of your phone?

     Uh. Pictures?

Lock screen

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Lock screen.

Lock screen

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Background. Done. Neither are my art, wish it was. Top was my friend's, second is from online.

5) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

     I'm pretty happy with my name.

6) What do people often think your nationality is?

     Interestingly enough, people think I'm from Unova. I'm Johto, born and bred.

7) What languages can you speak?

     Japanese. It's my native language. English is fluent, all I can ask in French are things relating to locations, Pokeballs, and Pokemon. Hawaiian... The only thing I know is aloha/alola. I speak Filipino (which is my actual language hehehe).

8) What's a something not related to Pokemon that you're good at? 

     Gymnastics? I'm not sure... Taking care of kids. Studying? Reading. Huh. I need a life.

9) Favorite color, shape, time of day, city?

     Lime green, star, nighttime/midnight/early morning, Violet City and Mossdeep City.

10) What are you wearing as you type this?

     Dark blue jogging pants, no shoes, a grey shirt with cats printed all over it, a red butterfly clip.

11) Tag people.

     In the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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