The Sue Sylvester shuffle

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As soon as their performance of California Girls was over and all the Cheerios stood in their final poses with those stupidly itchy blue wigs in their head panting slightly due to all the activity, coach Sylvester picked up a megaphone from beside her.

"I'm bored." She announced. "Ladies, I am at a loss. Brittany, please remind me of how I single-handedly put cheerleading on the map."

"In 1979, you directed a made-for-TV movie about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders called The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." Brittany said, almost automatically, as coach Sylvester nodded.

"That is correct, and in the meantime, what's changed?" She asked.

"Personal grooming habits?" Quinn offered.

"What's changed is I have completely lost interest and, ladies, I blame you." She said, before turning to Becky as she stood beside her with a bucket in her hands. "Becky, more silicone falsies."

"Got it, Coach." Becky nodded, starting to walk around the girls as she gave out two pieces of chicken to each of the girls.

When Brittany was handed hers, Emily leaned over just barely to look at it, frowning as she turned to Quinn. The older girl simply shrugged, nodding her head a bit, signalizing that Becky was handing her her pieces of chicken.

"You will each enhance your bust with an additional pair of chicken cutlets in an attempt to add some jiggle to what is the most boring routine I have ever witnessed." Coach Sylvester explained.

"But, Coach Sylvester, this is the most elaborate routine the Cheerios have ever done." Quinn argued. "We're shoo-ins at regionals next week, and we're the favorite to win at nationals."

"Yet I am still so very bored!" She yelled the last part in the megaphone again, before putting it back down. "Even things I used to think were hilarious... Case in point: Sandbags slap yourself with a chicken cutlet."

Everyone turned to Santana as the girl sighed but did as she was told, the light smack of the chicken against her skin reverberating around the gym. No one really reacted, especially, not coach Sylvester.

"Now slap Brittany." She demanded, as Santana obeyed again. No reaction at all was seen again. "See? Not even a chuckle."

"The problem is you keep trying to make a bigger and bigger spectacle." Emily spoke up as she held onto her chicken cutlets. "No matter how hard we try, we can't make a routine work unless you find a way to make it interesting for you. You have to find a way to top yourself."

"Emily, you just may have a point." She said, as the girl smiled rather proudly. "But to be sure, slap Quinn with a chicken cutlet."


"Artie." Tina gasped, as everyone turned to the door just to see Artie rolling in absolutely covered in slushies. And Emily said covered, she meant covered. Head to toe.

"It was awful." He trembled as Brittany got up from her place beside Santana and rushed to her boyfriend.

"That's it. Screw rehearsal." Finn decided, quite angrily as he also got up. "This ends here and now.

"We're gonna go all Thunderdome on those guys." Puck agreed as he followed.

As all the glee guys got up to follow Finn, they were stopped midway when the rest of the team walked inside as well. Emily frowned in confusion, tilting her head to the side a bit as she watched the glee guys standing in front of the rest of the team, rather protectively, almost as if possessive of their territory. And, honestly, Emily couldn't blame them, because despite not being anywhere close to them, she did feel a sort of anger inside she hadn't felt in quite a while.

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