Epilogue: Summer days

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"Won't you look at that?"

Emily jumped slightly in surprise, her head turning when she recognized the voice. She smiled when she saw Kurt and Blaine sat together at a table at the Lima Bean. She looked up at Sam and he nodded before guiding her through the store and toward the other couple.

"We were talking about you, you know?" Kurt said, as soon as the two of them stood beside their table.

"Good things, I hope?" She asked, as the two of them laughed.

"Just saying how happy we are that you two are finally together now." Blaine said, as Emily blushed a bit, smiling up at Sam before looking down at the ground.

"Took a while." Sam admitted, squeezing Emily's hand in his to get her to look at him again. "But it was definitely worth it, right?"

"Definitely." She nodded with a smile.

Kurt and Blaine exchanged a glance, a soft smile on both of their faces as they tried not to gush too hard over the clear love and sheer happiness on Sam's and Emily's faces just for being together. Before they could say anything else, however, Emily spoke up.

"Anyway... We don't want to take anymore time away from your date so we'll just go."

"Don't be stupid, Em." Kurt rolled his eyes. "You two are more than welcome to join us if you want."

"Hum, we..." Emily looked up at Sam who just shrugged at her. She sighed as she looked at Blaine next. "Sure you don't mind?"

"Absolutely not." He assured. "Go get your coffees and join us."

Once again, Emily looked up at Sam and he just smiled down at her, guiding her to a chair and pulling it out for her.

"Why, thank you." She giggled, as Kurt squealed quietly beside her. "Can you get me a..."

"Green tea with no sugar and a chocolate chip muffin?" He finished for her as she looked up at him, surprised. "You got it."

"You know my order?" She asked, in awe as Sam nodded, leaning down to press a quick kiss to the top of her head.

"Of course I know your order." He said simply, walking off to stand in the line to order.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Kurt grabbed Emily's hand, causing her to look at him instead of at her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, she thought. She loved being able to call him that now.

"You two are too sweet." Kurt gushed as Emily giggled nervously under the spotlight.

"Almost makes me want to barf." Blaine laughed when Emily did too.

"Oh, guys... He's just... He's just perfect, I... I love him. And I love spending time with him and ever since New York I've been living in this perfect life and it's all thanks to him and, oh... I just can't believe I became this silly girl sighing away after her boyfriend."

"You are a perfect fit, though." Kurt chuckled when Emily rested her head against his shoulder. "And you deserve amazing things, Em. I'm so glad you're happy, you know?"

"Thank you, Kurt." Emily squeezed his hand that was still holding hers. "I'm glad you're happy too."

"Yeah." Kurt smiled a bit, looking over at Blaine who kept looking at the pair of friends in front of him with a fond smile. "Yeah, I'm pretty happy. Despite our colossal lost at Nationals."

"Oh, don't even remind me." Emily rolled her eyes, sitting back straighter in her seat.

"Kurt was just telling me how you almost ripped off Rachel's head." Blaine laughed as Emily giggled.

As she was about to respond, a cup of tea was placed in front of her, followed closely by a muffin. Emily smiled as she saw Sam take his seat in front of her with his cup of black coffee with sugar - yes, she also knew his order - and smile at the three of them.

"So... What are we talking about?" He asked, as Blaine smiled at him.

"Just about how Emily almost went off on Rachel after Nationals." He said, chuckling when Emily groaned.

"Oh, that." Sam nodded with a smile. "The highlight of that trip, to be honest."

"Sam!" Emily shrieked, kicking Sam's leg lightly under the table as the other couple laughed at the exchange.

"It was!" He defended himself, trapping her leg in between his as she glared at him. He ignored her, turning to Blaine and Kurt instead. "It took literally four of us to hold her back."

They laughed then, the conversation moving from Emily's attempt of murdering Rachel, to the rest of their trip to New York, to the latest gossip in Lima and to whatever it was that they found themselves talking about. And as Emily took a few bites of her muffin and few sips of her tea, she couldn't deny she felt pretty good, enjoying her time with her boyfriend and two of her best friends. She laughed when Kurt told them another joke.

That was about to be the best summer of her life, she was sure of it.

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