Chapter Four

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"Hello," spoke Count Olaf.

I dropped the phone and sprinted out of the house, not even stopping to get my jacket and ran as fast as I could home.

When I got there, I couldn't twist the front doorknob. I looked up to my room, remembering that I hadn't locked the window when I left that morning. I grabbed the garden hose, which was brand new so it wasn't worn out, and put one finger in and pinched it from the outside. the rubber was very thick. I threw it to the roof, where it slid off and got caught on the rain gutter. I took a deep breath and grabbed the hose with both hands. I tugged it to make sure it would hold okay and it didn't even budge. I took a deep breath and put both feet on the side of the house and started climbing.

Halfway up, the rain gutter came off the house, but only a bit. I stopped for a moment and when it didn't break more I kept climbing. I was only a few steps away when one whole side came away from the house but the hose was still holding on even if it was slowly sliding off. I carefully kept going and was just starting to push the window open when it broke off completely. I grabbed onto the small piece of wood above my window and slid my foot under the small part of the window that was open and pulled my leg up. The window opened and I slid inside, closing it after.

I knew Olaf would be waiting for me so I grabbed the wooden bat from the corner of my room and put a few other things in my messenger bag since I might need them and put on a jacket since I had left my other one at Josephine's. I opened my door quietly and looked around the hall. I headed to my mom's room and she wasn't there. I went downstairs and braced myself for what I was about to see.


There she was, passed out over the counter with a broken wine glass that still had a bit of wine in it. There was a small puddle of wine on the other, shorter side of the counter that could have been dripped out of the glass. But I knew that wasn't the case.

I walked over and felt her neck. She was cold and there was no pulse. I knew this would happen.

"What a shame," I heard from behind me.

I hid my emotions as well as I could and turned around.

"Poor m/n. So sad that she had a bit too much to drink and made some rash decisions," Olaf continued.

It was then that I noticed the pill bottle in her other hand, contents spilling out just like the glass of wine.

"So depressing that she would leave her child alone with nowhere to go. It's sad that the woman who would've been her next guardian is gone as well, leaving her in the care of one Captain Sham."

I turned my head back to him, filled with rage. I wasn't going to be sad and give him what he wanted. I would not cry.

"Go on back to Josephine's, we'll deal with this tomorrow. And give me that bat, you're not taking it."

I opened the door and went in. After putting my coat back on the couch, I went back to the library and sat on the couch in there. The Baudelaires were in there, talking about the note. They stopped when I walked in.

"What happened? You just ran out of the house and didn't even hang up the phone or take your jacket," Klaus said.

"I was trying to call my mom but Count Olaf answered. I got there and my mom was slumped over the counter, dead, and the next guardian was Josephine but now that's not happening and she's left us all in Count Olaf's care," I spoke through my tears

"Oh, y/n," Violet came over to the couch and sat down next to me, putting her arm around me.

I put my arms around her and buried my head in her shoulder. Klaus grabbed the note and sat on the other side of me.

"Not all hope is lost for Josephine yet," Klaus showed me the note. "In the very first sentence, she says 'my life will be at it's end,' but she says it's, i, t, apostrophe, s, meaning 'it is.'" He continued talking until he had finished pointing out the errors in the note.

"Maybe it isn't a coincidence, but we should call Mr. Poe before we decode it to notify him of my mother's death," I said.

They nodded their heads and followed me to the phone. I dialed the bank and the cheery voice of Mr. Poe picked up.

"Mulctuary Money Management, this is Poe," he stated.

"Hello, this is y/n Snicket," I responded.

"And what are you needing help with today Miss Snicket?"

"I'm calling to notify you of my mother's death," I explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Alright, well, I will be at Miss Annwhistle's house at 8 am if you're okay with meeting me over there."

"Sounds good, thank you."

"You're welcome, and remember you can call me anyt-"

I slammed the phone down and turned back to the Baudelaires.

"He'll be here at eight, are you guys still okay if I stay the night?" I asked.

"More than okay, we would love your company, and it looks like whatever happens, our fates are tied together so we may as well spend some time getting comfortable with each other," Violet answered.

I smiled. "Thanks, I'll head to my house to grab some pajamas." I turned to the door and started walking.

Before I could even finish taking my first step, Violets hand was latched around my wrist.

"You can sleep in one of my nightgowns," she started. "I don't want you to go out alone."

I turned around, blushing.


pusillanimous- Violet Baudelaire x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now