One More

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     The next day, Jeongin was walking down the streets, his eyes glued to his phone.

Let's Make Movies!

8:03 am-


Yo, Jeongin, I heard you changed your chat name


Yes, to I.N.! It's my new stage name:) can u change my name to that on ur contacts, everyone?


Got it!



Hey, where u at?


Oh yeah, i left to pick up some groceries during lunch!  sorry, forgot to say, can't meet u guys now


It's cool, pick up some coffee for me XD

     With that out of the way, Jeongin quickly finished his shopping. Before leaving, he decided to stop at the dollar shop for snacks.

     He was busy looking at the selection and didn't notice the person walking down the aisle behind him. However, that person clearly noticed him.

     He felt a tap on his shoulder. Jeongin turned around to see a shorter man with dark brown hair, who Jeongin didn't know. However, his school uniform told him they went to the same school. A senior student.

     "Hey, are you one of the kids in the movie project?" the guy asked.

     Jeongin was a little bit startled by that. "I'm sorry, um..."

    "Oh!" The boy clearly remembered that he had forgotten to introduce himself. "The name's Changbin. Seo Changbin."

     "I'm Yang Jeongin," Jeongin said. But he was confused. "Yes, my friends and I are going to make a movie. But... how do you know about that?"

     "This guy is tech club brags a lot about it," Changbin said. "And I see you guys meeting up a lot during break times."

     Jeongin only knew one person who was a tech club member. "Han..." he muttered under his breath. To be fair, it wasn't exactly a secret. "Oh, okay. But why do you ask?"

     "You guys need a props person, right?" Changbin said. He pointed to himself. "I'm your guy!"

     Jeongin was very surprised by this. But what he had to do was obvious. "I'll take you to meet my friends. Are you done here?"

     "Yup, let's go!"


     "Why do we need a person just for props?"  Hyunjin asked. "We can do that ourselves."

     "No, not to handle props," Han explained. "Someone to make props. And not just that. To be able to pick good locations for our movie. Basically, we need someone with a creative edge. Like the finishing touch."

     "Thank you for that accurate description. I'll put out the notices," Lee Know muttered sarcastically.

     "Hey, it's fine! We've so close, we just need to complete the last stretch!" Felix said positively.

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