How this Story Ended

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     One month later:

     "It's done!" Chan said, running over to everyone, who had all just gathered in the neighbourhood. He was shaking with excitement. "I finished editing the movie!"

     "That took so long, I can't believe you were able to do it!" Felix said. "Respect!"

     "So, how is it?" Seungmin asked.

     Chan shook his head. "I didn't want to spoil myself so I didn't watch the full thing. However, some of the scenes I did check look pretty good! I'm confident in our final product!"

     "Okay, now we need a screening," Jeongin said. 

     "Want to come to my house for a movie night?" Han asked. "I have popcorn."

     "No way, dream bigger," Lee Know said. "We've just finished making an entire MOVIE. We need to make our first watch special!"

     "I agree!" Felix said. "It needs to be a big screen... in the dark... and..."

     "What do you want us to do, rent a movie theatre?" Changbin joked. "Sorry, but I don't think that's even in MY capability."

     "No... it doesn't need to be something as big as that..." Hyunjin said, an idea forming in his head. "But if we all pool in our money, maybe we can afford something similar to that..."

     "Hey, like an outdoor screening!" Seungmin chimed in.

     "EXACTLY!" Lee Know said, snapping his finger.

     Han whipped out his phone. "Looks like I've got some searching to do..."

     "So like a drive-in movie!" Chan said. "I like it!"

     There was silence for some time, envisioning the first watch of their movie. Their finished movie.

     "... it's hard to believe it's over," Felix said.

     "You're saying that like something bad happened," Changbin said. "We should be proud of ourselves, this is what we were aiming for. Be happy it happened."

     "Yeah," Jeongin agreed. And softly, so nobody could hear him, he added. "Everything turned out perfect this time."

     But everyone did feel the same way as Felix. It felt weird not to run straight to the school balcony or the basketball court after school let out. A lot of them found themselves idle at home, not quite sure what to do with their time. It was like everyone was still reaching for a camera or script in their dreams.

     "... guys, if someone is selling a projector for $20, is that a scam or not?" Han asked, breaking the silence.

     Everyone immediately gathered around his phone to check it out.

     Their filming days may be over but they still had one last surprise to look forward to.

     Around a week after that, a text came in to everyone from Hyunjin, finalizing everything.

     This Friday, 8pm, the parking lot of the same basketball court we filmed at. Don't be late!

     Everyone went through their days, curious about what their final product would look like.

     They could hardly wait.

     In the warm Friday night, Jeongin was walking up the hill, towards the parking lot.

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