Chapter 12

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"P'beam!!!" Kong rushed to the bar private booth where beam drunken body is placed. "Kong!!~~~ my dear longggg patient" Beam hugged the moment kong reached to him.

"You promised me you will never drink again!!" Kong rubbed Beam back to calm him down. Now a days kong start to show his emotions not only to Arthit but also to Beam.

"Sorry.... but it's too much pain to bear.." Beam reasoned out while kong pulled away slightly from the hug. But Beam hugged him once again "My date forced himself on me" Beam informed softly. Kong eyes widened "what?!!".

"Comparing to my other blind dates he behaved well so I ...went with him another date today...but suddenly his behaviour changed and he forced himself on me.." Beam explained what happened earlier to kong.

"P'beam, Are you okay?" Kong asked in worry. Beam shook his head in kong shoulders with tears. "I thought it's just my bad luck that all my dates are failing miserably, but it's not.... kong... kong.. it's Forth... today the guy asked me to sleep with him saying he wants to check about our physical relationship because someone told him that I love someone after based on their bed skill!"

Beam tears start to flows more. Kong gasped and lift his head and stare Forth who is standing with Ming from little far. Forth just clenched his fist and turned to Ming who gulped and dialed a number quickly "I want that guy in our place tonight!!" Forth ordered Ming who nodded his head obediently.

Forth guilty face is enough for kong and Arthit to know that it's indeed Forth work. Kong sighed and rubbed Beam back comfortably "P'beam, Come on let's go home and don't worry from now on you don't have to go any dates, I will talk with aunty" kong assured for Beam to nod softly.

Kong pulled away and took Beam hand in his hand to help him to walk. Arthit also came to beam side to help the latter. But when Beam eyes found Forth he smiled brightly and leaves them to run to Forth and hugged the latter tightly who gasped and fall on the couch.

Beam strangled forth lap and asked softly "it's not you right??!! Tell me Forth it's not you and that  guy is lying to me". Forth gulped and try to pull away Beam who tighten his hug and snuggled on forth neck "I love you Forth, still love you .. did you hate me so much??..." Beam asked once again with tears.

Forth just closed his eyes and allowed Beam to snuggle him more. When Kong  was about to pull Beam away Arthit stopped him and crossed his arms "give them some time". Arthit sat on the opposite couch with kong.

"When did you love me??" Forth asked in a mocking tone. "Always, I always loved you Forth, before you even confess to me... I want to tell you... but my dad's death stopped me from confessing..." Beam answered him softly.

"Then why did you throw me away?? am i a joke to you?? I begged... you Beam, I called you so many times before marrying her.. you rejected me every time  harshly... how can you hurt me like that if you loves me??" Forth asked still closing his eyes but his fist tighten with his every words.

"I am sorry.... s-Sorry.. i don't have a choice forth. I am scared that you will lose everything, not only you I too, your mom is a bigger person I don't want her to hurt you or my family by my love...." Beam replied softly in guilty.

"Mom?!!" Forth opened his eyes with a furrows. "Yes, your mom she knows about our love, she asked me to reject you otherwise your father can't enter politics.... I rejected her request first and try to prove my love but.... I failed... I am sorry.. I know she will try to stop you but I also know you will not leave me and your love is strong..... I got scared because she said if you don't obey her that she will attack my family"

"I am sorry... I can't lose my family forth for my love, I also don't want you to lose your family for me, I know how much you love your family forth I don't want to break it. that's why I rejected you many times but you didn't listen me and come back to me again and again... that's why I used that method... sorry I didn't mean it that way" beam cries more in forth embrace.

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