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"Well, umh you see, I , uh," He Stuttered out.
The fact that he was flustered made your cheeks warm, but your stomach is clenched , and your mind racing,
God he was so cute, you shake your head to clear the thought, snapping out of your thoughts you stared at him trying to gather his words,
The look on his face made you forget everything expect you and him, placing your hand on his face turning his gaze towards you,
"(Y/n) You Know I Care A lot About You, and uh, I Really Like You, We're Bestfriends, I know you think I'm just a kid but,
Carl Inhaled sharply, (Y,n) I - I Love you, he spat out,"
He turned his head completely away from you,
Your filled with emotion,
"Carl You Tryed To Keep Your Voice Steady But It Came Out Shaky,
I love you too and your not a little kid, if it wasn't for You I wouldn't be sitting here, You've saved Me So many times, "
Your Eyes Filled With Tears You hug Him trying not to panic after a few minutes of silence you two look at each other, you force a fake smile and a laugh,
He does the same,
In the Same moment you hear foot steps behind you two.
Before You Could React You felt A Hand On Your shoulder,

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