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Rick Set The Boy Down,
We Found Him When We Were On A Run,
"Well Did You Check Him?"He could have gotten bit you demanded,
"Of course i did, I'm not an idiot, he's Clean" Rick told you,
Helping the boy to his feet, Rick tells you to take him inside and get him cleaned up.
You always wanted to help, always, that was just who you were,
"What's Your Name?" You ask,
"Ryan" He said back,
"What happened ? To you you ask while putting a wet wash rag to his face"
"I don't Remember, I was with a group and I fell asleep and I woke up and was alone" Ryan explained to you.
"Are You Okay?" You ask him,
"Yeah I'm alright just a little blood, I must have fell" giving him a bottle of water, and sitting him straight against the wall
"Thanks" he tells you,
Later on after doing laundry and picking up some more, and helping Maggie cook,
You asked Ryan basic questions, just for small talk
He was a year older than you and Carl,
After rick went to bed, you meet eyes with Carl and you two stand up and go to the back bedroom second door to the left,
Settling into the bed and slowly into sleep, just like the night before,
Eyes fluttering open, to see sunlight breaking through the window,
Waking up and rolling over to find Carl not next to you, you jump up and head out the door,
Walking into the living room and seeing daryl,
"Where's Carl?" You ask with quickness,
Daryl nods his head towards the door, outside.
Stepping outside and feeling the cold air hit your face,
God, a Cold front must have set in over night,
Looking over to your left and right not seeing Carl,
You always Jumped to the worst conclusion,
Running around back you run right into him, startled
Carl! You scared me, you should have woken me up, you breathed out,
I'm sorry baby, you looked so comfortable sleeping I wasn't gonna wake you up, Carl put his hand on your lower and pulls you towards him and kisses you hard on the lips,
Affectionate This Morning You Thought, then seeing Ryan step out from behind carl,
Ah, was this about Carl claiming you for his own? About dominance?
So what were you two talking about? You ask, having this warm feeling in your stomach,
Oh noting, Ryan said without hesitation and he walked away, once you knew Ryan was out of ear shot,
What was That about? You asked Carl,
What was what? Carl asked,
I don't know, you seem more affectionate this morning, you said with a slight raise in voice,
Carl sighed at you,
I don't want you around Ryan, he said stepping closer to you,
You just gave him a look,
Listen he told you, he said that he thought you were pretty cute,
Soo when you came around I made sure he knew you and I were together,
Carl put his forehead on yours,
I'm not gonna let anyone take you away from me,
Carl's jealousy made you smile,
Returning to The House, And Walking In,
Oh good morning Rick, you say walking In the house,
Morning Rick says,
Hey Carl I need you to go on a run with me and daryl,
Alright, Carl Said while grabbing an empty Duffle Bag before he walked out of the door without his dad and sight you give him a quick peck on the lips, be safe, you tell him
Always he replies then heads out the door,
Him going on runs made you worry,
You decide you should pick up, blankets and stuff,
Folding a blanket and placing it in the basket,
Hey (y/n), can I talk to you,
Turning around and seeing Ryan,
Oh umh about? You say stepping Back,
You and uh Carl, Ryan said as he took a step forward,
Oh, yeah I don't think so, you say shaking your head and walking away,
There wasn't a chance you were going to talk to Ryan about you and Carl, knowing Carl wouldn't want you to,
You try to walk away and you felt Ryan grab your arm,
"(Y/n) why are you with him?"
Ryan let me go, you say while trying to get away from him,
Not In Till you Talk to me,
No you yelled his grip just tighten on your wrist,
Let me go you pleaded ,

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