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Authors note: this is the last part I'm sorry if your disappointed, but I didn't want to end on a sad note, if you've read this whole story it means the world to me, thank you,
You lift your Head And see Daryl Stepping In the room,
I came to see How you were feeling kid, he asked, shifting a little and feeling your sore shoulder,
Hurts like a bitch, but il be alright, you told him,
That's my girl he said with a smile,
You felt movement behind you,
Well rise and shine, Daryl taunted at carl,
Who opened his eyes and looked at you,
How you feeling he asked warmly,
A little better, you explained,
You two get up soon, I'm gonna have Maggie look at that arm daryl said before walking out,
You roll over so your face to face with Carl, God you could get lost in those eyes,
I'm gonna keep you safe from now on, I'm not letting you out my sight again,
His words made you smile,
Thanks babe, you said as your cheeks grew warm,
You could feel Carls breath on your neck you two were so close,
I remember the day I realized I loved you he said calmly,
You felt your heart jump,
Care to explain, you said raising an eye brow,
It was that winter night two years ago, and everyone was outside and you were just staring at the stars, and you looked so beautiful, he said with a sweet smile,
The more he talked the dryer your throat grew,
Promise me something carl? You said with a quite voice
Anything he said with a quickness,
Forever? You questioned with a smirk.
You two got out of bed and walked into the living room, Carl almost made you forget about the pain in your arm intil Maggie asked to see it,
Moving you shirt sleeve down to reveal your bruised shoulder,
You didn't realize how bad it was, Carl go get the first aid kit out the closet, she Intructed him,
Looking up at him, you realized he was staring at you,
Carl! You said
Huh? Oh yeah umh what? He said shaking his head,
First aid kit, closet, their should be a ace bandage in there, she repeated,
You hear him walk and go get it,
Maggie wrapped your shoulder and arm to keep it more still,
After a week it was healed just tender,
You and Carl were close than before, he never left your side and you didn't leave his,
You didn't know where life would take you two but you knew it would be together, you couldn't be more thankful for the family you have, it may be small and broken but it's yours, and you love each and every one of them,
You and Carl often sit outside and look at the sky and talk about how he used to trip over his own feet because his shoes were to big, or how you used to always forget to tie your shoes,
Things that wouldn't matter in a few years,
But you were happy and so was he. . .

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