Chapter 6

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A/N : i have ALMOST abandoned this book XD if any pf you guys have any good idea for the next chaoter then don't hesitate to message me! k?

Chapter 6 :-: "brat Alert"

:-: Crimson Red :-:

we got back to the mansion and i settled down the jars on my room and went to sit down with the other guys, i sat down besides Masky and Hoodie well... in the center.

i watched BEN playing a game which i don't know.. "wanna play?" BEN asked not even bothering to look up at me "yeah sure" i said and sat down besides him on the floor, he handed me a spare controller and we started to play.

the time pass by and i memorised the controlls and rules of the game and soon i got the hang of it, i was winning and BEN was losing painfully. After a while we finished with a score of 5-4 it's a close fight but i manage to win.

"got some ass to win missy?" BEN smirked evily at me and i slapped my bottom "this ass is mah treasure" i said and went to the kitchen to see Toby... STILL. EATING. "hi" i said awkwrdly and he lifted his head up to look at me, we had a short awkward staring contest and he soon broke it "well hello there? my name is Toby!" he said cheerfully but a little bit Ticci "yeah yeah, uhm.. can i have one of those waffles? it looks good" i said while pointing to the pile pf waffles he was eating "oh yeah yeah! sureee~~~" he said and i took one and ate it, this is one gooooooddddd waffle!


i looked at the kitchen door to see Jeff sweating like mad "what the hell happened?" i asked confuse "MAD!! SHE IS MAD I'M TELLING YOU!!!" he whined while tugging my hoodie... ooo.... kay? "who is?" Toby asked "it's-" suddenly Ms. Hatter barged into the kitchen door

"ohhh~~~ JEFFY~~~~" she said in a sing-song voice, jeff hugged me in fear and i didn't mind it "what do you want with me woman!" he screamed and i just stood there with my famouse poker face mode :| "sally want's to pay to~~~" suddenly sally appeard behin ms. hatter and they both pulled jeff away from me "toodles Toby and my beloved Crimson~" she said while waving her hands and dragging jeff to who knows where

"she noticed me!!" Toby exclaimed "Beloved?" i asked confused

Chapter 6 :-: END

A/N: I KNOW!!!! "but chiku it's so short" "chiku it's hella short!" "chiku watta hell is dis?!" WELL SUCK IT' I AIN'T GOT THE BRAIN TO HAVE A CHAPTER POOP OUT FROM MY A-HOLE!!



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