Lies never end

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I'll always use my art ^

I wake up as tired as always "I get enough sleep but I'm always exhausted" I complained while stretching. I walk out of my dorm and head to breakfast, of course no one is there that's why I wake up early. (ya see, he's not a big fan of getting yelled right in the morning) I grab a single bottle of Panta and leave back to my dorm to work on my 'evil plan' I can't believe not ONE person has seen through that lie.

Walking back I bump into a wall. My bottle of Panta fell on the floor and started spilling "shit..." I mumble under my breath. 'The one thing I eat/drink is gone' I thought and roll my eyes.
My stomach started to grumble "welp...back to the cafeteria I go" I sighed.

I wake up to banging on my door "HEY HEY OPEN UP SIDEKICK" a familiar voice yelled. I open the door to see Kaito "o-oh, hey d-do you need-d an-ny thing" I questioned stuttering over almost every word "NO SHIT! It's breakfast time and you're still half asleep" Kaito scolded me "y-yeah g-go on with-h ou-ut me while I g-get ready" I say. I got dressed and headed out.

In the hall I catch a glimpse of Kokichi cleaning up a purple mess on the floor 'That's strange I thought he would've just left it there' I thought.
I was now watching him from distance.
"God dam it of course I had to spill the Panta TODAY" Kokichi said mumbling 'h-he sounds really frustrated' I thought "after clearing up I have to go into a room filled with people that hate my guts" Kokichi complained, I was about to go talk to him when he said something that I will remember forever "I-I'm just so sick of this killing game" a tear could be seen rolling down his face "I hate lying, I just want to be friends with everyon- HHAHA what am I even saying NO ONE would ever want to be friends with a lair AND MY LIES WILL NEVER END" Kokichi was obviously in pain 

B-but I couldn't just go talk to him in the middle of his mental breakdown *sigh* guess I'll just ask him about it later


That was exhausting I think I got distracted about... umm 6 times?  👁👄👁🔫

-by Hoshi
Word count: 418

Eyes fogged with lies (Kokichi angst)Where stories live. Discover now