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Peter's POV:

     I was swinging through New York on my way back home from potrol. I landed on a roof when my phone went of. Who's texting me right now? I pull it out and open my texts messages. An unknown number texted me, and normally I would have deleted it but something was making me curious. So I opened the messages.


Unknown 10:15pm:
     Bruce did I make a mistake? I'm not normally like this but I know I made a mistake and I can't find it. (Imagine it's complete and only one problem is wrong)

 (Imagine it's complete and only one problem is wrong)

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                ~~End of message~~

     I looked at the problem and raised an eyebrow. Whoever this is, is definitely smart. I wonder if they know they texted the wrong number. I go to delete the message when I found the mistake he was talking about. Maybe I can pretend to be this 'Bruce' guy for one moment and answer him. I quickly send them a text saying what's wrong and why.
     I feel my phone's notification go off but I ignored it. It's probably the unknown number texting back. Maybe I can figure out who's texting me back home, or maybe I can even get Ned to help. I then begin to finish my way home. Aunt may is probably worried about me. I quickly get home and get in through my window. I crawl ontop of my ceiling towards my door and close it.
     I don't need Aunt May to see me change. Even if she knows I'm Spiderman, I don't want her to worry by seeing my injuries from stopping crime. As well as seeing the fact I'm wearing my binder, I don't want to be scolded for doing something so dangerous. I change into some of my clothes lieing around and then open the door again to see Aunt May. "Peter! Oh I'm glad your home. How was patrol?"
     I smile," It went well May. I stopped some robberies and a mugging. No injuries tonight." I see May smile to that. "That's amazing Pete. Don't forget, just because your spiderman doesn't mean you can skip school or miss sleep." I smile and nod my head. "Yes Aunt May. Can I get some dinner now?" She smiles and moves out of the way. "It's your favorite pizza." I smile and thank May.
     I grab my phone and run to get the pizza. I get the pizza from the fridge and head to the couch. "I'm going to bed Pete! Don't stay up to late." I smile and respond to her that I won't. I sit on the couch and open my phone. I see I have a text from Ned and multiple from the unknown number from earlier.
     I roll my eyes at that and open Ned's first. He's asking about building another Lego deathstar. I respond to him saying Saturday we can. I then go to the unknown number's and look at how many messages I was sent. They sent me 15! Does this person even sleep, it's almost 11pm. I sigh and open the messages.

Unknown 10:30pm
        How did I miss that! Thanks Brucey, not a word to anyone about this.

      Your not Bruce. He walked into my lab asking if I tried texting him. And when I said I tried he said I didn't!

      Just because I didn't have FRIDAY put the number in my phone because I thought I could remember, I texted the wrong number.

      Who are you anyways?

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