The Sister ~Julian Albert~

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~Your pov~

I sat in my chair, spinning myself as my brother walked in, "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked, "I'm apart of Team Flash remember?" I said as he chuckled, "I know but...I thought you had a date tonight" he said as he took his red gloves off, "yeah, I had to cancel on him...y'know...since that meta-human was causing chaos..." I said as he chuckled and patted me on the back "If you want, we can go out for dinner as we used to..." he suggested as I smiled, "Yeah, we can go out to dinner tonight" I said. His phone pinged meaning he got a text. He let out a groan, "Julian needs me back at the lab...uh, you wanna head over there with me? Little sister?" he asked as I rolled my eyes, "you beat me by like five minutes Barry" I said as he ran around the room and was wearing his normal clothes. He chuckled and held out his hand. I smiled, grabbed his hand, and the next thing I knew we were at the CCPD. We walked inside, "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Joe asked as I hugged him, "I am visiting with Barry...who brought me here. We were gonna go out for dinner since I had to cancel on my date" I told him, "oh...oh! That's right!" Joe spoke as I chuckled, "anyways, I'm gonna head up to the lab and see what Julian needs..." Barry spoke as I smiled at Joe and followed Barry. "Ah, there you are Alle-...who is this?" spoke a Brit as I looked at him. "Hi, I'm Y/n, Barry's little sister" I spoke as I held out my hand, "ah, another Allen...great" the man spoke as he shook my hand, "Julian Albert...uh, Barry, there is a pile of case reports there that need proofreading" he spoke as he stared at him, my brother let out a sigh, "on it" he spoke as he walked over, I walked around the lab, "so, what do you do here Mr. Albert?" I asked as my brother started to do his speed reading, "uh, are you sure it's wise to do that with her here?" we both asked only I said "him", "Y/n, relax...he knows who I am...Julian, relax...she knows who I am" Barry spoke without looking away from the case reports.

"I specialize in meta-human forensics," he told me as I nodded, "cool," I said as I sat in Barry's seat and started spinning around. "I know Y/n, give me a few more minutes, and then we can head to dinner" Barry spoke as I got a phone call. My face dropped as I looked at who it was, I handed my phone to Barry, he stopped what he was doing and looked at it. "Is it..." he trailed off and I nodded, I saw anger boil into his eyes as he grabbed my phone and left the lab. "What was that about?" Julian asked as I glanced over at him, "it's someone who isn't supposed to contact me ever..." I told him as he rolled up to me since he was in his chair, "do you wanna talk about it?" he asked as I sat cross-legged and looked at him. "Sure, we're both on team" I shrugged as I chewed on my flannel shirt sleeve, "two years ago...before I found out that Barry was the Flash...I was dating this guy" I started as he stared at me, "he...wasn't a nice guy" I said as I took off my flannel and showed him the scars. "These aren't self-inflicted..." I told him as he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, ", one day...he nearly killed me...until the Flash found me...I was barely hanging onto my life when Barry took his cowl off. I thought I was seeing things...and when I woke up in S.T.A.R Labs...Barry and Joe had told me the truth behind who the Flash really was" I explained as I put my flannel back on. "I explained to Barry what happened, he got angry and sped out. When he came back, he said that my ex was in prison now." I said as he nodded.

"Well, if there's one thing I learned about your that when it comes to his family...he doesn't stop until he knows they're safe" he spoke as I nodded, "yep...that sounds like my big brother," I said as Barry walked in and threw my phone against the wall. "Yo! That was my phone dude!" I shouted, "I swear, he comes after you, I'll kill him" my brother spoke as I grew confused, "he's back Y/n...and he's out, and he said he was coming for you," he told me as I clenched my jaw, "Julian...I'd stay and finish these reports..." Barry spoke, "you go and take care of is more important" Julian spoke as Barry smiled, "thank you...I'll see you tomorrow" my brother spoke as he lifted me up as if I'm his bride, "hold onto me" he spoke as I wrapped my arms around him and he raced off. We were soon in S.T.A.R Labs, "you're gonna have to stay here for a few days" he spoke as I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, "great..." I sighed as he sighed and patted on my back. "I know Y/n...but until we get him...we can't risk you getting out" he spoke as I sat down in a chair, "does this place at least have a tv? I was certainly hoping to watch some Netflix" I said as he chuckled, "yeah...Cisco made sure of it" he spoke as I smiled, "don't worry Y/n...we'll get him" he spoke as I smiled a little, he then zoomed out and then came back, "here are some clothes and some food...just because you're trapped in here doesn't mean we can't have our date" he joked as I smiled, he set the food down on the desk and we started eating and talking to one another.

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