part 2 choose?

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Otis figured that obviously, he'd just say yes to Olympia, and he wouldn't have to worry about asking anybody else or anything. Plus, if he was at the dance with Olympia, he was pretty sure they were gonna have a good time.

But before he could think to much about it, Otis heard Oona call to him.

"Otis, Otis!" Oona called from the lab, waving him over.

Otis put the note in his pocket and walked over towards the lab.

"Hey, Oona. What's up?" he greeted the scientist.

"Howdy do, Otis! I believe you were going to return your toast-inator gadget today, about twenty minutes from now, correct?" Oona asked.

"Uh, yeah…." Otis replied, confused as to how Oona knew all that.

"How'd you….?" he started to ask, but was interrupted by Oona.

"Records, sign out sheets, all that stuff. Anyway, back to my point," Oona explained casually.

Otis nodded silently as Oona kept talking.

"So I was thinking, you can just turn it in now…., you know, since you're already here." Oona said, awkwardly tugging on her lab coat.

"I'm here because you called me over…." Otis pointed out, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"So, gadget please." Oona requested in sort of a rush, holding out her hand and completely ignoring Otis' observation.

Otis just handed her the gadget, knowing better than to argue with her.

"Thanks. I'll just go put this back now. See ya later, Otis!" Oona said, awkwardly scrambling farther back into the lab and out of sight.

Otis just stood there for a second. He briefly wondered why Oona was acting so weird, but he assumed it was just Oona being Oona.

He was about to leave, but then he noticed something on the lab counter. It was a small piece of paper.

Reluctant to pick it up, Otis peered over it and read it.

'Howdy do! How bout going to the dance with me? I know who you are because I knew exactly when you were going to show up. Let me know. -Oona.'

Otis froze. Did he read that right?

He read over it about four times before coming to the conclusion that he did in fact, read it right the first time.

Otis couldn't quite decide if he was excited, or worried about this.

Oona was asking him to the dance?!

About ten thousand different thoughts ran through Otis' mind in about four seconds as he stared at the piece of paper.

'This cannot be happening.' he thought.

Two of his best friends just asked him to the dance! This was going to be trouble. Olympia and Oona both wanted to go to the dance with him, so that meant that he had to…. choose between them? No! No, no, no he was not going to choose between his friends. Except, he kind of had to. He couldn't say yes to both of them, could he?

A/N: Second chapter done! Again, sorry it was so short. No excuses tho lol.

Please comment, vote and let me know what you thought and if you want another chapter.

Thx kisses!

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